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Posts posted by Bappo

  1. Hello, I'm new here to the VIVE forum and I have a question regarding VIVE trackers and NFC sensors.

    I'm building a prototype in Unity which is related to art painting. I was looking something related to of how to detect an object that is picked up in unity. That is where the trackers comes in and the NFC sensors.

    How can I make the sensors detect what tool is missing in my tool belt with a sensor in it and what script in SteamVR does the work of tracking what tool you are holding in your hand?

    If I would make it more clear: I launched my VR, basic environment and a canvas where I can draw anything with a tracker attached to a brush. I pick it up and it is being used on my hand, I have two more which are in my tool belt with a sensor placed in. The sensor checks which tool is being used or picked, if I decide to change my tool paint, I simply place it back and the sensor detects that the tool is now in my tool belt. 

    Same goes with the rest, I'm trying to make the detection method of each tool in-game world. So each tool has its own name/number and it lets the user know what tool is currently using or missing in tool belt.

    Any reference or suggestion would really appreciate it.

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