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Posts posted by S.Jonsson

  1. Hello,

    I am a second year student in Software Engineering, working on a thesis regarding authentication through eye-tracking and recognition and the security of these methods.

    The research is important because of the steady increase and development within the xR field.

    Eye-recognition and tracking is becoming a bigger part of many headsets. It is important that biometric data used in these devices can't be stolen and is properly secured. Additionally it is equally important that such options can't be fooled by upcoming imaging and video techniques.


    So far I have been refining a survey that is primarily for developers within the field or those with previous experience. I would be thankful if you or any of your contacts would like to take roughly 5 minutes on these at most 13 questions.


    Your answers are anonymous, please submit them here: 

    VR, AR, MR Headsets 


    Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

  2. For further clarification.

    My name is Sebastian Jonsson and I am a second-year student at the Swedish Linnaeus University, working towards my candidate.

    I am reaching out to you because I am currently doing my second-year thesis at a B-level which is regarding biometric authentication in regards to the ocular and periocular areas, very well used in many Head-mounted displays.

    I hope that you wish to take part in an anonymous survey that has been sent out to several other companies and forums.

    I will leave a link to the survey here as there is a time limit on the thesis I am working on, and any questions you may have I would be more than happy to answer as time permits.

    Survey link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfiz61REdDsk6KPjm5ryH5K-xXcPsrqLiZMwDAS25XeKbsxMw/viewform?...
    (Estimate 5-10 minutes)

  3. Greetings,

    I'm a student at the end of my second year going towards my 3 year education for a candidate  degree in Computer Science.
    This survey is part of an investigation which is part of my thesis regarding authentication possibilities within the field of Head-mounted displays.

    This is aimed for any software developer working with either Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality.
    Takes roughly 5 minutes to answer it. The answers are anonymous.

    You may submit your answers here: Survey: Head-Mounted displays

    Feel free to share the link with other developers as more answers gives a better accuracy.

    Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

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