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David Villamizar

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Posts posted by David Villamizar

  1. @DarioI'm using the HTC Vive, not Cosmos.

    After reading this I understand that for HTC Vive OpenXR support I should reach to support for the SteamVR runtime instead.

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    On 5/28/2021 at 5:44 PM, Dario said:

    Sorry for the delay - we will be reviewing this asap - is this the same exact issue from the Unity forum? Same versions of all the packages?

    As I tried clarifying in the Unity forum, Vive's OpenXR support is for the Vive Cosmos (not Elite which uses SteamVR's).  OpenXR apps using the SteamVR OpenXR runtime (including Vive, Vive Pro) should also seek support on their OpenXR support forum as well. Pleae note that both implementations have passed conformance tests and are official adopters.


  2. Hello @Dario, I'm having this same issue. I'm trying to use Unity's sample actions asset that's based on Open XR and I'm seeing no position tracking.

    I tried changing from generic controller (even if I shouldn't) to vive specific controllers and still no luck.

    I set input in player settings to both, but I can't downgrade XR interaction toolkit from 1.0.0-pre.5, there are many critical bug fixes and features since 0.9.

    Also, if I do that, I would need to do the extra work to recreate the action input mapping for HTC vive and other platforms too.


    Screenshot 2021-08-27 000415.png

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