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Alex Jones

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Posts posted by Alex Jones

  1. This is the output when I run that command


    I managed to get the player to render in the headset using OpenXR plugin and VBS!
    But I am lacking input so I hope to sort that out today.

    Let me know if there is any other information I can give you to help with the direct preview problem.

  2. Hello thank you for the reply! @Alex_HTC

    I have tried all of your recommendations without any success.

    Checked that ADB was in the path, pinged the device, I have made sure to reinstall the device APK every time I changed any settings, the device is plugged in while installing or else the command prompt will just say waiting for device.
    There do not seem to be any windows instantly closing other then when I start and stop the APK, but there doesn't seem to be any error as the headset is launching the app.

    I have set up VBS on my computer now. Is the idea to use steam VR in unity to get the player to show up in the headset? would that require me to add any steam VR components into my scenes?

    Thank you again!

  3. I have fixed the IP address


    I also tried using the IP that is also showing with "adb shell ip -f  inet addr show"


    WaveXR was not checked for windows so I went ahead and did that, and then saved and restarted unity for good measure.


    it is also checked for Android.

    I stopped and started the device APK a few times to see if maybe it would connect randomly with no luck.
    Stopping the APK and the server and restarting the server then the APK a few times also did not let me connect.
    And I have also stopped the server and APK reinstalled the APK then started the server and the APK again several times.


    I get this warning but I assume the folder then just gets made on the device?


    I am also getting the log messages which is why I assume the folder gets made somewhere else.

  4. Hello, I am working in Unity 2020.3.11f1 using WaveXR SDK 4.1.1 to develop and app for the Vive Focus 3

    I am having trouble setting up the Direct Preview feature, I have a working build of my application on the headset but no great way to debug it. I have followed the guide here, https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRDirectPreview.html, with but after I start the device APK I will just end up with a connection time out every time.


    I am using this to get the device IP, I have also made a script in unity using Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList to print the IP of the device in the headset, this returned


    These are the settings for Direct Preview in the editor


    And this is the output when starting the server, it does not change when I launch the device APK

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • Thanks 1
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