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Posts posted by ggspringbok

  1. Hi there!

    My team and I developed an experience for a client, and while running the experience at their in person events, they've consistently run into a 'blue screen' issue. While developing we don't have this issue, but when they're using the headset for hours at at time, every headset runs into it. Basically at one of the more intense processing points in the experience, the headset just turns blue, and needs a hard reset. It's not always consistent WHERE it dies in the experience. In trying to optimize and dig into what would cause this, we don't have a way to replicate the long usage in our dev environment, and can't replicate the blue screen. Is there any common reason for the headset going into a blue screen? Is that overheating? Is that CPU overclocking? Running out of RAM? Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

    We've also found that the right controller being unpaired causes massive issues in HMDs. If we playtest with just the right controller turned on, we don't have issues. If we playtest with just the left controller, things don't work, and when the right controller dies or is turned off it often can require a full restart to get tracking back. Anything we can look into to see if we're causing these issues? Is this a known bug?

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