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Posts posted by ptisinge

  1. I really second this. We should be able to lock our fps to a certain value. Otherwise fluctuations in fps lead to the Vive VR compositor switching between locking the fps at different values, and this triggers stutters.

    I have this issue happening with IL2 Great Battles and Microsoft Flight Simulator - the switching can happen several times per minutes, and in the case of IL2 GB, it goes from no motion compensation at 120fps to 60fps all the time, which triggers major stutters (which is really bad in a combat flight sim when very good timing is required).

    Worst, in some case the Vive Console gets it completely wrong - in a Beta that I'm currently testing for another flight simulator, the Vive Console is mistakenly locking at 18fps even though the CPU and GPU usage are very low (around 10%). If we could force it to a set value, we'd avoid this type of problem too.

    We really need some way to lock the FPS. Either make it possible to do it at the GPU driver level (at the moment this doesn't seem possible - if I lock fps to 45, for example, in the Nvidia control panel, it has no effect on the fps in VR) or allow us to do it via the Vive Console, be it with a less obvious setting in the config file or in the GUI of Vive Console, but do that please. Otherwise I guess I'll have to sell my Vive Pro 2 and go back to something else like Valve Index...


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