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Posts posted by BrianMonaghan

  1. hi there,


    i have been looking at my event logs and came over this when i tried to run the software in administrative mode

    Product: Viveport Desktop (x86) -- Error 1714. The older version of Viveport Desktop (x86) cannot be removed.  Contact your technical support group.  System Error 1612.


    Is there a simple fix for this or does it mean a full windows 10 re-install. Or do you have a guide for editing the registry to clean out the old version of the vive software.


    what is my best option,



  2. Hi there, i am having the same issues in finding the msi file during installation. I can find the orginal file from when i installed the softer back in December 2016 but not the new version of the file required for the latest update.


    could it be possible to get a valid version copy of the "Setup_VivePCClient.msi" and use that to finish the install.


    any help would be great,



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