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Posts posted by eltonwisk

  1.  I found the SRanipal Native SDK C language could be used for real-time eye tracking. Is there any better alternative way to access the eye tracking data.

    How to send the rendered data to Vive Pro Eye? I find several options, e.g.,Tobii XR, Open XR, Vive OpenXR, OpenVR SDK. However, Tobii XR SDK probably does not work with Vive Pro Eye.

    That left us last three SDKs. Which SDK could be used to send data to my headset. Can you suggest any documentation.

    If there could be an SDK that can handle both eye tracking and communicate with the VR, it would be even better. 

    One more question, the SDKs OpenXR, OpenVR just do the communication, not any rendering, right.I meant, as I need to send stereo rendered scene to my VR, I have to render this in my rendering engine, the OpenXR or OpenVR would not take part in rendering, right.


    J.E. Flores Bakery Service


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