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Posts posted by ericw

  1. Hi, we're updating my company's software to UE5 and comparing WaveVR and ViveOpenXRAndroid (targeting VIVE Focus 3).

    Currently, the lack of foveated rendering in ViveOpenXRAndroid is a showstopper for us, as we relied on a combination of foveation plus screen percentage of ~0.8 to achieve 90fps on the Focus 3 with UE4.26 + WaveVR. Since moving to UE5.1, we tried ViveOpenXRAndroid but haven't been able to hit our target FPS, so we are sticking with WaveVR for now.

    Just wanted to express interest in seeing foveation for ViveOpenXRAndroid and check if there's any possibility of seeing it in the future.


  2. Hi,

    I'm seeing a large slowdown when enabling MSAA on the Focus 3 with UE5.1.1 + WaveVR 5.3.0. Focus 3 OS version is the latest available today, 5.0.999.812.

    Steps to repro:

    1. download WaveVR 5.3.0 (UE 5.1 build)
    2. open the plugin.uproject demo
    3. go to UE Project Settings -> MSAA Sample Count -> 4x
    4. package and install build on Focus 3
    5. launch VRTestApp
    6. go to 202 Foveation Test and click on Ball Room -> Load Level (I'm not looking at the foveation here, which is disabled by default due to having Mobile Multi-View enabled, but just using this as a GPU test scene)
    7. average FPS is ~33 (=30.3ms)

    For comparison, change UE Project Settings -> MSAA Sample Count -> 2x

    • average FPS is ~45 (=22.2ms)

    For comparison, building the demo project from without any modifications (omit step 3 above):

    • average FPS is ~65 (=15.4ms)

    So, frame time doubles when moving from no AA to 4xaa. 



    On my project, we were previously using UE4.26.2 with WaveVR 5.0.2. I've re-tested the same scenario as above with those software versions and get the following: (note, I disabled foveation in the UI of "202 Foveation Test" for a fair comparison against UE5.1.1)

    - 4xMSAA: 39fps

    - 2xMSAA: 52fps

    - No MSAA: 70fps

    So it's still quite a large cost for AA in these versions.

    Is this the expected performance cost of AA? Any suggestions for getting better performance with AA on? Thanks.

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  3. One thing to look out for if anyone's using `stat fps` or `stat unit` to check performance: I'm seeing a big performance drop if any Unreal debug text is on screen (`stat fps`, `stat unit`, Blueprint messages, etc.). (UE 4.26.2, Wave SDK 4.4.0, Focus 3 firmware 3.0.999.418).

    Scenes that get 90fps with no text on screen can drop to ~70fps (looks like it's doing 11ms, 22ms, 11ms, 22ms, etc.) by having Unreal debug messages on screen - I was just assuming they'd have a negligible performance impact, but it seems they don't. Only the very lightest (GPU wise) scenes can handle having any Unreal debug text and maintain 90fps.

    Also, this was a big help (as expected) - thanks for the tip:

    vr.PixelDensity 0.8


  4. Just wondering if there are any updates for Focus 3 / Unreal 4.26 / Wave SDK on how to do screen tints / fades.

    The "Fade Out" feature in the Wave SDK isn't usable in my case, because I don't want to close our VR app, and also need the ability to fade in, control the fade duration, as well as fade to a specified opacity and color.

    I've also tried using the "Splash Screen" bluerprint nodes (Splash Screen — Wave VR 4.4.0 documentation (vive.com)) with a background color and a placeholder image (I don't actually want an image, just the solid color tint) - this looked sort of promising, but when I tried calling SetSplashParam every frame to do a fade, the fade was only updating at a few FPS so not really a convincing fade effect.

    The current idea I'm considering is having a translucent plane in front of the camera (only when a fade needs to happen).

    The only other thing that comes to mind is modifying all materials in the UE4 project to have a fade / tint function, which isn't too appealing.

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