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Everything posted by prog_jj

  1. +1 on this, we are also in the same situation: Headset on 1.0.999.232 and the update does not work with the error "DOWNLOAD_METADATA_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH". Tried within the headset and with the PC_Tool_v37. Cheers
  2. I do have some additionnal info that partly answers some of the questions: - Testing achievements: I still don't know what is the best flow to test achievements but it seems like it does require us to push testing builds to production as achievements, leaderboards and in-app purchases are disabled in BETA by design. Here's the doc mentionning it. - Achievements UI: I have been told that indeed there is no UI provided by the headset or Viveport to view our achievements. The only way to see them is to implement a UI for it in-game.
  3. I have an update on this: The Min SDK version field is indeed linked to android:MinSdkVersion but it only accepts one value which is 25 (instead of 29). I have been told it is a requirement for ViveportSDK although I couldn't find it in the documentation. Also as a note, Min runtime version refers to android:TargetSdkVersion.
  4. Hi! We are currently preparing for submission, however we are confused in regards to the 'MinSdkVersion' field in the APK Submission form. It is our understanding that all the values of the submission form are automatically filled in by the AndroidManifest.xml of the APK. We therefore made sure to properly set it up according to the documentation ( VRActivity with Native Code — Wave VR 2.0.10 documentation (viveport.com) ). Despite this, the field is still blank/empty. So I guess the question is, what are we missing to populate the 'MinSdkVersion' value of the submission form? Here is an extract of our AndroidManifest.xml, and I have attached a screenshot of what we get when we upload an APK: [...] <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFHmd" android:value="6DoF" /> <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFController" android:value="6DoF" /> <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumController" android:value="2" /> <meta-data android:name="minWaveSDKVersion" android:value="11" /> </application> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="29" android:targetSdkVersion="29" /> Thank you!
  5. Hi all, We are currently integrating achievements, leaderboards and stats in our game using the Viveport SDK. I have two question regarding this topic: 1 - We have currently published our game in Beta, is it normal services such as achievements don't work? Do we have to submit a production build to test them? 2 - Are achievements, leaderboards or stats displayed anywhere outisde the game? (ie: in viveport, profile interface etc ...) From my understading, the only way the player can see them is if the gamehas a UI specifically made for this. Thank you
  6. Hi there, Any news on this? Are there no plans for making the achievements visible outside of the game (ie: store page, profile, viveport)? Thank you
  7. Hi, Any news on this? A Viveport integration with Unreal Engine's Online Subsystem API is a must! As for the feature, I seem to understand Viveport simply don't support them, so third party seems to be the way to go.
  8. Hi all, Splash Screen still seem to be the best option to animate fade in/out to a colour (by doing SetSplashParams() followed by ShowSplashScreen() on tick/timer). The jerky/jittery/low fps effect you get is actually caused by the texture format used by the splash screen in: WaveVR\Private\WaveVRSplash.cpp (line 274). It by default uses PF_A2B10G10R10 which only has 2 bits for alpha = 2^2 = 4 different possible alpha values which isn't enough for this use. You can switch to another format has more alpha bits such as: PF_B8G8R8A8, and you'll be able to get smooth fade in/out animations using the wave vr splash screen.
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