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Posts posted by julie.helbecque

  1. Hi! I have too issues using Direct Preview. When I want to use it, the pose of the headset is indeed correct in the unity editor, but all I can see in the headset is "Connecting...". I have a project using URP, the unity version is 2021.3.13f1 and the target device is a Focus 3. I am sure that WaveXR is ticked on the android and PC plateform, both devices are on the same network. The streaming server doesn't indicate any error. I use the wifi connect type, the headset ip address, I have indeed ticked "Enable preview image", the update frequency is 15 FPS, the render target device is "others", the preview image ratio is 0.4 and i didn't ticked "regularly save images". Could you tell me if you have any idea what to try to solve my problem please ? Moreover, during my tests one of the pc I worked with raised an error telling me that I had to update my nvidia drivers, which were up to date. This pc had the graphic card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU.

    Thank you for your answers

  2. Hi! I have issues using Direct Preview as well. When I want to use it, the pose of the headset is indeed correct in the unity editor, but all I can see in the headset is "Connecting...". I have a project using URP and the target device is a Focus 3. I am sure that WaveXR is ticked on the android and PC plateform, both devices are on the same network. The streaming server doesn't indicate any error. I use the wifi connect type, the headset ip address, I have indeed ticked "Enable preview image", the update frequency is 15 FPS, the render target device is "others", the preview image ratio is 0.4 and i didn't ticked "regularly save images". Could you tell me if you have any idea what to try to solve my problem please ?

    Thank you for your answers

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