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Posts posted by VincentCXR

  1. Hi Vive community,

    I wanted to bring up a question for anyone with Ultimate Trackers, regarding pogo pin usage of the Ultimate Trackers in SteamVR.
    How I remembered trying to transmit pogo pin input to SteamVR with 3.0 trackers, I gave the tracker a role (Right/Left elbow/knee/shoulder, etc.), and I could send the signal fine (ground to trigger/grip/thumb pins would transmit a signal).  
    Then in an application, I could open the binding UI, and bind the pogo pin inputs to input action mappings (Unreal Engine 5.1 applications).  
    It should be the same way with the Ultimate Trackers, or is there an extra step I'm missing?  The image doesn't look right i don't think.

    SteamVR v2.2.3
    Streaming Hub 1.4.8a


    Maybe the upcoming beta release would address this, I'm not entirely sure, but just wondering if anyone has tried using the pogo pins with successful results and if so what steps were needed to solve this?

    Thank you in advance!


  2. Hi Vive Developer Community,

    I'd like to inquire some assistance with using Vive Ultimate Trackers in Unreal Engine 5.1.1.  

    In a project that I'm developing, my team wrote tracker support with Vive Tracker 3.0 functionality in mind with PCVR (Vive Pro 2 HMD).  In that project I was able to spawn an actor and attached it to a specified Vive Tracker, and the transform of the actor (location/rotation) would change accordingly with how I move the Vive Tracker 3.0. 
    Additionally I was also able to use pogo pins to do specific actions with that actor (fire projectile for example).

    The Ultimate Trackers were promoted in a way that allowed existing Tracker 3.0 implementations to work seamlessly out of the box.  So I hooked up my Vive XR Elite to Vive Streaming Hub, with the Dongle and 5 Ultimate Trackers set up.
    The project is reading the trackers, but I'm having an issue where the rotation of the Ultimate Tracker is outputting proper values, but at the same time the Tracker's location values are outputting indeterminate values (nan(ind))

    The project I'm working right now only has SteamVR enabled, with the LiveLinkXR plugin active as well.  The LiveLink window is also recognizing the SteamVRTracker IDs (3B-3A*****) properly.  The trackers are also being read using a modified version of the Live Link Data Handler Blueprint from the LiveLinkXR plugin.  

    Is there anything that I need to do with the Ultimate Trackers to have them output Location values, and should the Ultimate Trackers be working out of the box with SteamVR?

    Software Specs:
    SteamVR - v2.2.3
    Vive Streaming Hub -  v1.4.8a
    XR Elite Firmware - 1.0.999.540

  3. Hi HTC community,

    Wanted to poke around a question with the XR Elite.  In Oculus, there's a tab in the settings menu that let's the user allow for permissions such as microphone use/camera/location data, similar to that like an Android phone when you open an app and it asks to toggle permissions on the phone.

    Does the Vive XR Elite have that kind of functionality?  Because I can't seem to find anything in the settings menu that grants permissions to my apps.

    Thank you in advance!

  4. Hi HTC community, 

    I wanted to poke around a question.  In Oculus, there's a tab in the settings menu that let's the user allow for permissions such as microphone use/camera/location data, similar to that like an Android phone.

      image.thumb.jpeg.956b1d1b86f30b4dd4aeb218f705b8b7.jpeg           image.thumb.jpeg.3800d00091e0c647c942ab38c205e9eb.jpeg

    Does the Vive XR Elite have the same functionality to toggle permissions?  Reason being that I'm trying to create an implementation in Unreal Engine with the Bleutilities plugin: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/ble-utilities
    Essentially trying to take a bluetooth device that doesn't connect as a conventional bluetooth device (can't just pair directly to the headset, it's one of those devices that only connects to a specific mobile application), and connect it to my application to receive notications from that device.  I've tried this in a blank UE project on Oculus and it does work.

    Toggling on Nearby Devices and Location (Precise) were critical components to making use of the plugin and implementation on Oculus, and I don't think I see that any option for that on the Vive XR Elite.

    An alternative method I tried to do was to add android permissions to my project, namely ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION but it still couldn't pair the bluetooth device.


    Any and all inquiries on this would be great to have.  Thank you!





  5. Hi all,

    I ended up fixing the issue.  I went through a few changes so I don't exactly know what specific thing fixed the issue as I've tried the following

    - JAVA_HOME set to the jbr directory in the Android Studio folder
    - installing a few extra Android APIs in the SDK manager (30.0.3, 31.0.0)
    - Replacing 5.3.2 plugin with 5.4.0 version

    I don't think I changed anything from the Project Settings that was important.

    In any case it seems to work now.

    Best regards,

  6. Hi Vive Community,

    I'd like to poke around anyone's brain if they ran into an issue with .apk packaging with gradle.  I've been able to make standalone Android packages on Unreal Engine 5.1 with the Wave SDK before since last week.  But without touching anything to the Android SDK/NDK/JDK settings as far as I know. I haven't been able to successfully make either a Development or Shipping build on my project.


    Here's a screenshot of the packaging log, and I've attached the log file here if further detail is needed.

    Thank you all and I look forward to any responses as to why this may be the issue.

    Best regards,
    Vincent Ho


  7. Hi Vive Community,

    Got a question for anyone using Wrist Trackers.  Does anyone what the button configuration for the Wrist Tracker button is (Wave (L) X Press/Wave (R) A Press, etc.), for use in Unreal Engine's Input Mapping system? 

    I know that in the bracelet blueprints in the Wave Sample code, the event graph tries to find if the Tracker's button (Tracker 0/Tracker 1) was pressed on Tick, but I would like to avoid detecting any inputs on Tick if necessary and make further use of the Wrist Tracker button as an Enhanced Input Action.

    Thank you for your assistance everyone and I look forward to any answers at your earliest convenience.

    Best regards,
    Vincent Ho

  8. I made sure to check what outputs are going out using the Vive Browser's keyboard to see if my inputs were correct to test if it's paired properly first.  

    One thing I can probably suggest is checking if the Bluetooth permissions are enabled in your Android settings.  That was one other thing I tried to check as well.

    Under Platforms in Project Settings, scroll down to Advanced APK Packaging

    in Extra Permissions, type in android.permission.BLUETOOTH and/or android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN 

    The image at the bottom provides what I've tried to get it to work in case you need an example.  For a full suite of android permissions to consider, take a look at https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission

    Hope that helps!


  9. Hi Vive devs,

    Was wondering if anyone has any ideas on this topic.  

    In a standalone app I'm developing, I'm wanting to use a bluetooth input device to drive inputs (like a bluetooth keyboard).  I've laid out the input key I want in the UE5 input Action Manifest, and the device I want to use just acts as a keypress for that key ("Hyphen" button).  I've tested the key out in the UE5 editor (I'm using the OpenXR 2-in-1 plugin), and using my bluetooth input device I'm able to call the event I want.  But when I package an android build and sideload it onto my Vive XR Elite, initiating the input from my device doesn't call the event.  

    The XR Elite registers the input device as a keyboard and when I pull up the virtual keyboard in the headset, it outputs the key I want, but t can't seem to call the event in my application.  So my question is are there any vital steps or permissions I need to add to my project or configure in my headset in order for bluetooth devices to work in android applications?

    Thank you all in advance!

  10. Hi HTC forums,

    I wanted to inquire about the usage of ArUco markers development with the HTC XR Elite.  Is this functionality compatible with Vive OpenXR application developmentt or is this strictly a Wave SDK functionality? 
    I was trying to look through the video demonstrations from the HTC Youtube page and the QR code/ArUco functionality is something that I would want to leverage with a multi-user MR application.

    Thank you in advance!

  11. Hi, I wanted to ping in on this as well.

    Seeing as how SteamVR will be phased out in the coming months for OpenXR in Unreal Engine, this method has a possibility of becoming invalid.  So I was wondering if there are any updates for the wrist tracker profile.  I may submit an official forum post on this too, but would like to message directly first.

    Thanks in advance!


  12. Thank you so much @Tony PH Lin  , this will make debugging Android applications so much more helpful.

    I was trying this out earlier today with the 5.1 sample project.  The ability to rely on this rather than having to enable/disable the OpenXR Android plugin for testing purposes will be a useful asset.

    The one issue I do have at the moment is with Wrist Tracker debugging.  At the moment, Wrist Tracker integration seems to work in packaged shipping builds when I managed to make a package in Unreal and transfer it to and launch from my XR Elite headset, but I can't seem to see Wrist Trackers work in the Unreal Engine editor (the rings don't move). 
    Do wrist trackers only work in packaged builds, or is there a missing component that I need to enable in order to see trackers work in the editor?

    Thank you so much once again in advance!

    - Vincent

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  13. Hi @Tony PH Lin

    I've attached an updated logcat file.  

    For this one I attached a USB-C to my headset and turned on File Transfer/USB Debugging.  Android Studio was able to recognize the headset, and I ran the application (Development build) 3 times.  It managed to launch the 2nd time, but the 1st and 3rd times it crashed on launch.

    I hope this gives a more useful breakdown of what's going on.

    Thank you once again for your support.


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