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  1. Hi, @chengnay, I was able to do it! Thank you very, very, very, very much!! By adding the WAVE XR plugin, passthrough was also activated! Finally I'm ready to bring my ideas to life! I can't thank you enough!!
  2. Hi, @chengnay, I need: ・Passthrough ・Full body tracking (Use Tracker) ・UI operation If possible, I don't care what system I use. I got interested in XR and started writing code. Therefore, I am lacking in basic skills as an engineer. So I don't know the impact of each plugin. Right now, I'm trying to check things one by one from a simple point, and I'm trying to operate the UI only with the SteamVR plugin. (I'm studying on the Internet, but it's taking me a while to understand because there are so many different methods.) I'll let you know later if the UI can be operated.
  3. Hi, @chengnay, I appreciate your cooperation. After installing the SteamVR plugin, InputSystem's controller inputs no longer work either. I'm still researching how to get controller input, but I think you can probably use the SteamVR plugin InputSystem to get controller input. SteamVR plugin may be more powerful than Unity InputSystem.
  4. Hi, @chengnay, Thank you very much for your advice. After installing the SteamVR plugin, Tracker was recognized. However, I have one concern. Adding the Steam VR_Tracked Object (Script) Component was required to move the Cube with the Tracker's Position and Rotation. Is this correct? I also tried with InputSystem only, but I couldn't get the Tracker's Position/Rotation. Position/Rotation Action Type: value Control Type: Vector3 / Quaternion Binding Path : devicePosition[XYZ HTC Vive Tracker (OpenXR)] /deviceRotatio[XYZ HTC Vive Tracker (OpenXR)]
  5. Hi, @chengnay, thanks for your help! I have attached a list of plugins that I have installed in my project. Unity Editor ver. is 2021.3.22f1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZNJqzcFXAKQy_LSD-CJ4cV-jQd1vYlkp/view?usp=sharing I'll wait for instructions on what you want to check next. Thank you.
  6. Hi, @chengnay, thanks for your help! I have attached a list of plugins that I have installed in my project. Unity Editor ver is 2021.3.22f1. I'll wait for instructions on what you want to check next. Thank you.
  7. I want to use passthrough and vive tracker in Unity using XR Elite. My project uses OpenXR and InputSystem. Passthrough is now possible. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to recognize vive trackers with InputSystem. I have struggling with this problem for over a month. It would be helpful if someone could help me.
  8. Hi @jiunlin Oh,I see. I understand. I understood that I was left with a way to install the apk on the XR Elite. @jiunlin, @chengnay Thank you very much! I will do my best in development.
  9. Hi, @chengnay, Thanks for trying. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I'm relieved to know that the platform is android. Thanks. I have the OpenXR Plugin installed for two reasons. 1. I was thinking of developing for OpenXR. 2. With WaveXR only, the HMD screen did not change from the streaming hub even when the editor was played. However, when I added the OpenXR Plugin, I found that the HMD screen changed when the editor was played.
  10. Hi, @chengnay, Calling only ShowPassthroughUnderlay() gave the same result. Is there something wrong with the connection between the PC and the device? The platform in Unity is android. The connection between the PC and XR Elite uses VIVE Streaming Hub and a USB cable.
  11. Hi, @chengnay, Thank you for checking my code. I see, I will try the method of clicking the button. And, thank you for your advice. I took your advice and, as a test, used the Invoke function in Start() to turn on ShowPassthroughUnderlay() after 5 seconds. Image links are below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XUaYVaK0tj4Ga_BWuyQeqaMOrt12liYR/view?usp=share_link I knew ShowPassthroughUnderlay() was turned on because I had "OK"in the console. And the screen changed from black to white floor + black background. I would be happy if you could let me know if you notice anything. I'll try the button click technique.
  12. Hi, @chengnay, Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I don't understand how to use this forum. However, I will do the best I can. Here's an image link that shows some of my sample code and editor. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dUbP0pplIUBCHj0_o_eSP804_UjNCr49/view?usp=share_link Installed Package Manager ・VIVE Wave XR Plugin Version 5.2.1-r.1 ・VIVE Wave XR Plugin - Native Version 5.2.1-r.1 ・OpenXR Plugin Version 1.7.0
  13. Hi, @chengnay, I already referenced that post and tried the sample code you provided. But the screen is black. I confirmed that the Clear Flag and Background of the Camera component changed during playback in the Unity Editor. So I'm pretty sure your sample code is correct. i think i'm doing something wrong. It would be helpful if I could get some advice to make me realize my mistake.
  14. I want to use passthrough with my XR Elite. I read WAVE VR's Tutorial for MR Contents for passthrough. (https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/TutorialMR/TutorialForMRContents.html) But the screen is forever black. I have tried various Unity versions. 2021.3.22/2020.3.40/2020.3.20/2019.4.36 But the screen is black. I read "Wave Unity SDK » VIVE Wave XR Plugin » Getting Started" and did it. (https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRGettingStart.html) But the screen is black. I changed the USB cable. But the screen is black. I have struggling with this problem for over a week. It would be helpful if someone could help me.
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