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  1. It also works fine for me. release 1.2.4 has definitively an issue. Thanks for this patch.
  2. Update for my previous post. I tried again and my workaround does not work 😞 Currently the only configuration that works 100% for me is to use the Vive Business Streaming but I have to plug in the headset to my PC with a USB cable and choose "Vive Streaming" option in the headset. I reported an issue to Vive... let's see...
  3. @TomLabar I finally made it worked. But honestly, I did some many different steps that I am not sure which are relevant. By clicking very quickly before it crashed, I activated the beta version (click quickly to the gear icon then "parameters", "advanced" in the menu and activate the "Beta"). That way, I switched to the version 1.2.4 Beta. But I saw no improvement (the progam still crashed). After that, I downloaded and installed separately the Business Streaming: https://business.vive.com/fr/solutions/streaming/ This one did not crash when I ran it. I plugged my headset to my PC with an USB cable and I installed the latest version of the app (v1.0.17.3) in the heaset (go to the parameters and go to the section "about" to see the button to install). Honestly, the installation failed several times and I don't know why (my headset is up to date by the way). But the third or fourth try succeded. Hurray!!!!! After several tests, It seems now that when I run the Vive Business Streaming, then stop it then start the Vive Streaming Hub, it works. Hope it could help...
  4. Hi, I have updated to 1.2.4 today and now everything is broken. The Vive streaming shuts down itself unexpectedly after few seconds. I have no time to go to the configuration panel to report an issue. As I use my XR Elite only for PC VR, it means that I cannot do anything with it right now. To be sure, i also removed the software and installed it again but nothing has changed. Is there a way to fallback and install the previous version of the Streaming Hub? I experienced several times the same kind of issue with unexpected shutdown of the streaming hub with previous releases and I never complained. But now It is completely broken and I have to admit that this piece of software is of very poor quality. My configuration is Windows 10 Professional N (version 22H2) and my system is up to date.
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