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Posts posted by Aith2goh

  1. To purchase a Vive Wrist Tracker in the US, you have several options available. One of the easiest ways is to explore online retailers like Amazon, Best Buy , and HTC Vive's official website. By visiting these platforms, you can search for the Vive Wrist Tracker, add it to your cart, and proceed with the purchase. Additionally, consider checking electronics stores like Best Buy or specialized virtual reality (VR) retailers that might carry this product. Online marketplaces like eBay could also have listings, but make sure to buy from reputable sellers. If you're attending VR expos or events, you might come across vendors selling the Vive Wrist Tracker. Don't hesitate to reach out to HTC Vive's customer support for assistance if you're having trouble finding the product. When making a purchase, carefully review the product details, pricing, shipping options, and seller's credibility to ensure a smooth and reliable buying experience.

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