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Posts posted by Oeds

  1. Hello,

    On the support page about 'Setting up the play area for map creation', it is recommended that we divide the room up into sections with tape to scan.

    My question is: wouldn't this affect the LBE scanning? We do want to remove this tape afterwards, we cannot have tape on those floors during the game.




  2. Hey @andev11, as responsiveness to questions with HTC is low, I'll share my insights so far:

    I've been developing a (local) multiplayer game in Unity using Netcode for Gameobjects for a client, connecting the (VR) players in the local network using HTC Vive Focus 3.

    After setting up an LBE environment and going through all the shenanigans of making and uploading the same map to all headsets using the guides, the positions of my VR players were indeed according to where they should be, regardless of where they were standing when joining the game. I don't think it matters whether the VR headsets are in the same device group; they should just have the same map uploaded (but this is indeed easier to set up if they are in the same device group), and play the same game.

    I hope this helps you.



  3. Hi Lucas. My name is Oeds. I'm not with HTC, but am actually in a similar situation as you are, with 2 headsets and just starting out testing LBE mode.

    The black image with the HTC logo loading is indeed happening whenever the headset lost / never had its tracking. When I walk into my testing set--up, which looks awfully similar to yours, I usually just hold the headset and point it in a few directions, and it picks it up.

    Sadly, I do not have the answer as to why it is not working for you, as I said, your set-up is very similar to mine. We also have a dark floor, decent lightning and tape all over the floor. However, I did also have tape on some surrounding furniture, such as the closets. As far as I know, the headset will try to map any feature points around the environment, so perhaps it will help your case?

    Best regards,
    Oeds from EasySee


  4. Hello,

    I've contacted an admin already ('C.T'), but have no response and need access to the Aruco Marker Generator.

    The whole deal of doing this through the forums is strange. We paid for Business+, so why this time-consuming method instead of a download link on the dashboard?

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