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  1. Hi there, I’m considering using the HTC Vive XR Elite with the Full Face Tracker add-on (https://www.vive.com/us/accessory/vive-full-face-tracker/) for eye tracking research. Specifically, I require the ability to disable the built-in filtering of gaze data, similar to how it's done with the HTC Vive Pro Eye via the SRanipal SDK (https://forum.htc.com/topic/9119-questions-i-have-again-after-using-eye-tracking-for-few-months/#comment-38989). However, after exploring both the OpenXR (https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unity/tutorials/getting-the-data-of-eye-gaze/) and Wave SDKs for Unity (https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXREyeTracking.html), I’ve been unable to find a way to turn off the filtering. Is this possible with the Vive XR Elite? If not, where can I find detailed information about the gaze estimation pipeline for the Vive XR Elite? I’m particularly interested in how the online gaze filtering is implemented — what type of filter is used, how saccades are handled, and what the specific filter parameters are, if available. Thank you!
  2. Alright, I've just recreated the Unity project following the same steps on another machine and, surprisingly, it worked. I'll leave the link to my Unity project on GitHub here as a template (https://github.com/pmanakhov/VivePassthroughTemplate) if anyone needs it in the future
  3. The same here. I followed all the steps from https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unity/tutorials/passthrough/ one-to-one. I even tried downgrading OpenXR Plugin from 2.3.0 to 2.0.0. No luck. I'm using Unity 2021.3.8f1 with HTC Vive XR Elite.
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