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Can you please give me some assistance with your dam viveport app please! You really need to get it better it is a very frustrating app! Anyway I purchased an app from your store which wouldnt install said internal error, even though all other apps installed fine! Well so i thought id uninstall all Vive Software and Reinstall it, At most it will refreash it all anyway. 

Well Now when I reinstall (Which I now tried countless times in a row) the viveport doesnt seem to install for some strange reason, yes, ive tried BOTH links Uninstalled it with REVO Uninstaller etc cleaned out reg files after, Ive tried everything, and im not a PC Novice. Ive looked for the Viveport.EXE file to download and you for some strange reason, dont provide it on its own!!!

SO may I have it to install Viveport PLEASE!!!


BTW No errors appear when reinstalling it completes the install with no problems BUT NO SIGN OF VIVEPORT!

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Im on windows 10, I've sorted the Viveport problem now, Just a note for any future reference for you or anyone else reading this. The vive software doesnt uninstall all the software it install's, even with a program like Revo Uninstaller! It leaves behind the HTC folder in C:\ProgramData, which was causing all my problems.

I fixed my problem by just (Rename it or you can Deleted it) and and it gets reinstalled next time.


But I've still got my original problem. I purchased Whirligig Media Player yesturday, and it will not install at all for some reason. I keeps coming up with "Internal Error" at about 71% so theres no way to install it. Vive software has now been fully reinstalled. I've reinstalled other Viveport software I have brought and thats installing no problem. Any help with that problem would be much appreciated as its on a promo offer this weekend and I may not be the only person having this problem.

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I'll look into Whirligig later this afternoon. You're getting stuck at 71% download or installation? I've had issues with Whirligig in the past before and prehaps the way the app is packaged is causing issues. Are you able to download and install other applications without issues? Vive Video has many of the features of Whirligig 

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This was exactly the problem I've ben having as well. I tried your suggestion and it worked! One note about the ProgramData file. It is a hidden file, so you have to tell Windows to show hidden files, then the rest is simple. I'm up and running again. Thanks Freakster! :-D

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