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Build issues with Wave 5.3.2


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Hi Vive Community,

I'd like to poke around anyone's brain if they ran into an issue with .apk packaging with gradle.  I've been able to make standalone Android packages on Unreal Engine 5.1 with the Wave SDK before since last week.  But without touching anything to the Android SDK/NDK/JDK settings as far as I know. I haven't been able to successfully make either a Development or Shipping build on my project.


Here's a screenshot of the packaging log, and I've attached the log file here if further detail is needed.

Thank you all and I look forward to any responses as to why this may be the issue.

Best regards,
Vincent Ho


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Hi all,

I ended up fixing the issue.  I went through a few changes so I don't exactly know what specific thing fixed the issue as I've tried the following

- JAVA_HOME set to the jbr directory in the Android Studio folder
- installing a few extra Android APIs in the SDK manager (30.0.3, 31.0.0)
- Replacing 5.3.2 plugin with 5.4.0 version

I don't think I changed anything from the Project Settings that was important.

In any case it seems to work now.

Best regards,

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