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Unable to redeem Fallout 4 code due to Passport data format mismatch


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I just received my HTC Vive bundle (yay!) and I tried to redeem the promotional code for Fallout 4 + Tilt Brush that comes within. However, because I live in Germany, although I am not german, I am prompted to verify my identity using either a new german ID, old german ID, or a "all nationalities" passport data. Problem is, the numbers and latters on my passport do not match the data format expected by the prompt, and I am unable to redeem my code due to this. Any idea how I can verify my identity or redeem my code otherwise?


Thanks in advance!

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Greetings from Germany.

I have the same problem with a Belgian Passport while living in Germany.

The format of that line in a Belgian Passport is as follows (# represents a number, $ represents a letter)




Thanks for taking care,


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 & , 

We are still looking into this as this is a verification specific to this promotion. To be on the safe side, can you PM me the email address that you're using to validate the code to help expedite the verification process? To send a PM, click on your profile avatar in the top right corner of this webpage, click on the envelope icon, and then the blue "new message" button. Thanks! We'll have this squared away asap 

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