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tiltbrush multiple seats on one account


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Hi All,


I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but thought I'd give it a try.

I work for a college where we are building a VR lab and was wondering if it was possible to buy multiple seats of Tilt Brush under the same Steam account for students to share (works like floating licenses). The problem we are having now is that students will use our account but cannot run the Tilt Brush app at the same time. Please advise.


Thank you!

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That's more of a Valve/Steam question than a Vive question, but generally Steam uses a one account/one user policy. You can't use a single Steam account to simultaneously play any games or content from more than one PC by design.


There's a simple solution to that though: Steam accounts are free, so simply create as many as you need and purchase the content for each account. 

If that doesn't work for you, you could try contacting Google (developers of Tiltbrush) and finding out if they'd be willing to work out some sort of licensing scheme and then launching the executable separately from Steam.


I hope one of those suggestions proves helpful!


-John C

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