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Vive Tracker 2017 USB HID


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Has anything changed with the Vive Tracker 2017 model with regards to the USB interface?  

None of the old examples of sending feature reports to the tracker seem to be working.  I have the original tracker not the new one with blue vive symbol.  Mine is gray and is the older one where USB should still be functional.  


For example this example to talk over USB using node.js no longer works: https://medium.com/@mattwiechec/sending-feature-reports-to-the-vive-tracker-over-usb-e25b39ac10c5


I noticed the HID responses are not the same like in the tutorial above.  Vendor ID and Product ID are the same but now instead of VRC for product, I see 'optical', 'imu', or 'Valve'.  And none of them are interface of -1.  There's 0,1, and 2.  


vendorId: 10462,
productId: 8226,
path: '\\\\?\\hid#vid_28de&pid_2022&mi_00#7&2996578&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}',
serialNumber: 'LHR-XXXXXXXX',
manufacturer: 'HTC',
product: 'IMU',
release: 273,
interface: 0,
usagePage: 65280,
usage: 1 }

{ vendorId: 10462,
productId: 8226,
path: '\\\\?\\hid#vid_28de&pid_2022&mi_02#7&ead16f5&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}',
serialNumber: 'LHR-XXXXXXX',
manufacturer: 'HTC',
product: 'Valve',
release: 273,
interface: 2,
usagePage: 65280,
usage: 1 }


{ vendorId: 10462,
productId: 8226,
path: '\\\\?\\hid#vid_28de&pid_2022&mi_01#7&2670a33a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}',
serialNumber: 'LHR-XXXXXXX',
manufacturer: 'HTC',
product: 'Optical',
release: 273,
interface: 1,
usagePage: 65280,
usage: 1 }



I need the USB for an accessory where pogo pins are not enough.  I want access to the trackpad.  

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, Unfortunately the USB HID interface is not present in the current 2018 Tracker firmware and is only available on the first generation (grey logo) trackers. We do currently have an engineering project underway to reintroduce these features but I do not have a timeline on when it may be possibly added to the production firmware. 

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, my mistake - I'm currently on mobile and misread that. 


There have been quite a number of changes within the last few months to how SteamVR talks to external devices as they rewrite the underlying systems to make room for their skeletal input system. First, lets isolate that this isn't due to those updates. Valve is currently hosting a backup branch for developers that pre-dates the recent changes - try switching over to this and seeing if things work as anticipated. 



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I'm able to find the device and open it in Node.js using node-hid but it times out on sending feature reports to the Vive tracker.  I am setting the path so its using the wIndex 2 device that shows up at VendorID 10462 and ProductID 8226.  A couple other sites on interfacing with the Vive tracker over USB say that wIndex 2 is the correct one for feature reports.  

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Found the issue.  The Vive Tracker expects an OUTPUT report now, not a FEATURE report like before.  Can you please confirm this?  If I send output reports then it works which doesn't match past tutorials so seems like at some point there was a change.  

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