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Vive Pr: Game showing on monitor but not on headset


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I have gone under settings and switched to Direct Mode. Still receiving the same error for SuperHot, Scanner Sombre and the third game. I did not attempt to launch Trials on Tattoonie.


Still no problems launching Beat Saber or playing it.


Update: restarted computer just to see if the changes would tage affect then. No changes to problem.



Update 2: I've purchased a few more games. Will update what they do as I get them downloaded/try them:


Downward Spirale: Prologue: No problems playing
Downward Spriale: Horus Station: Headset error

(This intrigues me as these two games are from the same publisher...yet one works and the other does not.

Lightblade VR: Headset error

The Gallery: Episode 1: Headset error

The Gallery: Episode 2: No problems

(Yet another interesting issue. Same publisher, but only the FIRST game has the problem. Opposite of the Downward games)

Fruit Ninja: No Problems playing

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rickality: No problems

Star Shelter: No Problems

Subnautica: Headset error


So, out of 19 games I own (3 not installed) I can only play seven of them....


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So, I have discovered the source of my problem...and I feel like an idiot.

My SLI was turned off....I have no idea when I disabled it...or why...but that has fixed every error in all games listed

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Interesting, I wouldn't have thought that would resolve the issue since SLI isn't really supported on most games, but I should have considered the fact that it would cause the GPUs to sync rather than act independently regardless. You probably won't see SLI performance boosts in most titles, but at least they'll work correctly.

Good thinking!

-John C

(P.S. We don't respond on the forums during the weekend. There's a moderator, but he's mostly handling spam and the like.)

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