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VIVE Pro DisplayPort not connecting


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I just got a Vive Pro and a ASUS ROG GTX531 with a usb-c that supports displayport 1.2. I have a USB-c/Displayport adaptor recommended in another thread and previously confirmed to work with other laptops and the pro. I think I was able to set my NVIDIA gtx-1070 as the default GPU for everything, but it still will not connect. What am I doing wrong??? Appreciate any and all help. 


Adapter (https://www.amazon.com/CAC-1507-DisplayPort-Adapter-Chromebook-Thunderbolt/dp/B018AX3HJO)

Laptop (https://www.amazon.com/Zephyrus-i7-8750H-GeForce-Military-Grade-Chassis/dp/B07G5Z9H8R/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=asus+gx531&qid=1564267820&s=electronics&sr=1-1)

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@Scottyg - I just looked at the spec sheet for the supplied model number and it seems like only one of the USB-C ports has the proper Displayport 1.2+ support. Cross referencing between their images and spec sheet, it looks like it's the port on the side of the laptop with the audio jacks. If you try on the other port, it simply isn't wired to support it.

To confirm, you're using the club-3D adapter and the supplied Displayport cable that came with Pro?

On some laptops - you may have to go into the BIOS and alter settings to ensure it's outputting DP and not trying to output Thunderbolt. See this thread on Razer's for reference.



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HI to you both, and thanks so much for your replies. It seems you both are correct-- that is the correct USB-C port, but it doesnt seem to be connected to the NVIDIA chip as mentioned in jagibson's post. It seems that this is an un-correctable problem with this laptop.... How in the world can you tell if a chip is or isnt hardwired to a specific port to avoid this problem in the future? 


Would this laptop have the same issue (has a miniDP) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BP9SFZ5/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2TC87EJKQMY9O&psc=1


Would you guys recommend any other sub $1700 laptop for running a vive pro? I know a desktop would be more capable, but i need the system to be mobile. Thanks!

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@Scottyg - That's very unfortunate to hear. There really is no good way to verify how the ports are wired - OEMs are sensitive about that messaging as not wiring IO ports to the dGPU is primarily a cost cutting measure. Verifying with the OEM is the only real way to take a stab at the question as there's unfortunately a massive number of laptop SKUs on the markets nowadays.

That said, we've primarily see this specific issue with USB-C ports; if it has a dedicated MiniDisplayport that's usually a pretty good sign that it's wired to the dGPU.

I would also note that your laptop model will also not be compatible with other modern HMDs (Index, Rift S, Pimax, ect) unfortunately.

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@Scottyg A colleague tipped on onto the fact that you can tell which ports are wired to which GPU via the Nvidia PhysX panel. I've copied a screenshot of what this looks like on my Razer - this USB-C port is not directly connected to the dGPU. Doesn't really help unless you have access to the laptop but I wanted to post here in case anybody finds it useful. 




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