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Base Station Error


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Hello guys,


I've recently noticed an issue with one of my BS. SteamVR sees both BS and I can locate them to make them flash, but steamVR only uses one of them. On the one that isn't being picked up only two lights are shown. I've attached an image of this and was wondering if anyone else has had this as I can't seem to find a fix.




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@itzdaniel483 - What letter is the little letter in the bottom left-hand displaying? Looks like it's in channel A? Hard to tell in this photo since you can only see part of the reflection.

If so, channel A is single base-station mode. You'd want to hit the button on the backs of the unit until one of the units channel B and other is channel C. That said, you need to be very careful about not moving the units too much when pressing this button as the motors inside may be spinning at high speeds and jostling them too much can damage them.

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