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Greenlit Content


Viveport Review: MakeVR


Effortlessly create beautiful 3D images in virtual reality and let your talent shine!


By Desmond Madison, Greenlit Content



From the youngest dreamers wanting to create their own toys and video games, to professionals creating high quality models on Hollywood projects – there’s something for everyone with the robust and powerful toolset available in MakeVR.


As an experience in creating 3D content, MakeVR presents users with an incredibly intuitive and natural way of working that lets just about anyone bring their creations to life with the professional precision of CAD engines. The intuitive nature of using your hands in VR to create vs. using a mouse and keyboard to sculpt and mold objects challenges existing ways of creating in 3D in a way only VR can.


MakeVR's creation process is quite simple, with you creating and manipulating objects in 3D space directly. All of the 3D manipulation tools you'd expect to find are here, but all are a little easier to use given the VR environment. That environment can also be manipulated, allowing you to scale objects (or, if you prefer, yourself) from tiny to massive. This allows you to, for example, create a simple block to serve as a building, then 'shrink' to add details like doors and windows. You could theoretically get down to the nail-and-hinge level. Frankly, the suite of CAD tools in MakeVR can really make a novice feel right at home even if they’ve never used a professional program.


What’s most impressive here is that your creations aren’t just relegated to MakeVR itself. Objects can be transported into other programs like game engines or other CAD suites, allowing aspiring or professional game designers to use MakeVR for all of their in-game character modeling built entirely on Vive!


On top of that, the 3D models themselves can be sent to a 3D printer, turning your creations into real physical objects like toys, cell phone cases, furniture, decorations… the sky truly is the limit! If you don’t have access to a 3D printer of your own, MakeVR makes it incredibly easy to integrate with the mail order Shapeways service to have your models sent directly to your doorstep.



Sixense Entertainment really deserves praise for taking high-quality sculpting and creation tools into VR, allowing people of all skill levels to create with ease and see immediate results. It’s software like this that elevates the VR medium, highlighting the power of what’s possible when we’re able to manifest our imagination before our eyes.


Whether you’re a seasoned design pro or looking to start turning your dreams into a reality, don’t pass up MakeVR for a chance make the impossible, possible.


MakeVR is available on Viveport and in Viveport Subscription.


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