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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. , Yes, it's possible but most applications will not support this kind of setup. Each user will require their own HMD/PC but they can share a single set of ligthhouses. You can calibrate the rooms similarly and if the networking and level design allow it, you can have people in a 1:1 shared space. It's typically easiest to build out the app for the users to be in seperate spaces. Take a look at Nvidia Holodeck.
  2. , Sorry for the slow reply due to the holiday. What material are the partitions made out of? The partitions need to be made of material that is completely opaque to ~850nm IR light. The lasers that the basestations emit are pretty powerful and one possiblity is that they're penetrating the partition or are bouncing off surfaces such as the floor. IR light interacts with materials so differently than visible light that these types of issues can be hard to diagnose without knowing what types of materials are in your environment.
  3. Hi , This is a particularly challenging error code to troubleshoot as it typically has it's basis in how your PC's hardware and drivers are communicating with SteamVR and thus the solution varies from PC to PC. In some cases where you see this combo of codes, it's a conflict between which device (the GPU or your integrated graphics) is being chosen to drive the HMD. I'd mirror 's response and update your drivers as a first step. Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers may help. Here is a guide that may help with that; be sure to toss in a reboot to ensure that all of the changes take effect.
  4. Hi , Our SDK support team is out for the weekend but should be able to get back to you Monday morning in Taipei (Sunday evening in the US).
  5. , This is awesome! Thanks for sharing; it should prove to be helpful both to users as well as our engineering team as it helps us isolate where the issue is occurring. Thanks again!
  6. , It turns out that this the low pass filter settings are covered in the v1.5 Vive Tracker Dev Guidelines document (attached below) but the firmware wasn't pushed to SteamVR until the updated that I pinged you on above.
  7. Hi , I have been unable to track down a reliable solution for you as this is a difficult problem to reproduce. It seems like it relates to the windows registry. I'll add it to our QA list in hopes that we can more exhaustively test it. We may have a potential solution for you though! The client update that released this week (1.1.5) adds a "download wizard" which may be of us in your case. When a title is in your library and you hit "download", a new window will pop up which should allow you to change the install path. Given that your windows configuration is having trouble with keeping the correct option in place, I'd maybe refrain from using the "remember my choice" option to ensure that you can access the wizard in the future. Let us know if this works.
  8. , Have you tried the instructions above, specifically launching the Viveport client by right-clicking its exe and choosing "run as administrator"? That contiunes to be the most reliable way of getting Window's to accept the change. I think this function requires additional scrutiny and hopefully our QA system can figure out why this fails on some setups.
  9. , I don't have any additional info beyond that release note. I'll try to track down some updates today.
  10. (and ) SteamVR updated today alongside new tracker firmware that changes how some of this filtering works. See http://steamcommunity.com/games/250820/announcements/detail/1451710752575118590
  11. , I've alerted our tracker team to this. This may be impossible for them to reproduce since it may be recoil dependent but hopefully they can provide useful guidance. On first glance, I as well would assume this is a reflection issue. What is the gun made out of? Does it track perfectly for extended periods and only breaks when you fire? Does changing the orientation alter the misbehavior at all? USB bandwidth/chipset compatibility can cause similar behavior in a controller; there is an off chance that it's related to that. p.s. that looks really neat!
  12. , That's awesome! I'm happy to hear that things worked themselves out. Sometimes these issues are nested pretty deep and I'm glad your issue found resolution. Your error was a very serious one that I'd like to keep on our radar and directly address. Now that we have a lead to its cause, I'd love to pass this thread onto our QA and engineering teams so they see if they can find a root issue. It would be extremely helpful if you could share a bit of information about your system with us. If you could please send us a text file your dxdiag pages, that would be much appreciated. To do so, hit "windows key + R" to open up a command prompt and type in "dxdiag" and hit enter. Next, click "save all info" on the resulting window. You can send me the .txt in a PM. Thanks! Example:
  13. Hello , We currently do not have any plans to expand official sales into Brazil at this moment. Thank you for your interest and I'll ping you on this thread if that fact changes in the future.
  14. , Out of curiousity, can you please snap a shot of how your setup looks? I'm genuinely curious.
  15. Several of my developer friends have recommended this blueprints based Unreal Course that teaches a ton of really cool 3D motion graphics effects specifically geared towards VR. Has anybody here tried this course? https://www.linkedin.com/learning/vr-motion-graphics-with-unreal-engine
  16. Hi , for several versions now we've not seen reports of this issue outside of issues with window's privileges. As stated above try running the Vive software as an administrator (by right clicking and choosing "run as administrator" before attempting to change the path. Ensure that you're changing the path to a place your user account has permission to write. When you exit and reenter Vive does the UI revert back to the original location on the C:\ drive?
  17. Are you on the latest build (r1060?). You shouldn't experince this under the latest build... If you are, ensure you're launching as an admin.
  18. , in Front Defense you can actually reach up and remove it but doing so leaves you more vulnerable to damage. Helmets play a major role in an individual's perception of the battlefield and would in real life obstruct a good portion of your field of view and affect your sense of hearing which is why many soldiers have historically chose to forgo a helmet despite the increased risk of injury/death that comes along with that decision.
  19. Let's consolidate future posts related to this cluster of issues over at the following thread so our engineers have a centralized place to view information related to your troubles: https://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/0/1353742967806148807/
  20. Hi all, thanks for the information! Keep it coming in, please!!! Is anybody whose experiencing this issues on a setup with an AMD graphics card or are they all Nvidia cards? I can't seem to find any reports of this happening on AMD cards and have seen a few loose threads out there saying that downgrading the Nvidia driver helped certain users facing similar issues.
  21. Moving forward, the following info will help us greatly: 1) The manufacture date of your Vive. This can be found by sliding off the 3-in-1 cable compartment cover. 2) The rough date that you started expericing problems 3) Any environmental factors you feel may be influencing the problem 4) Any workarounds you find that alleviates the issue, even if it's impractical 5) Threads from any other online communities that you find that describe similar issues If we can consolate this info into a single thread we can provide the engineers with the info they need to really start to pick apart this issue and provide the support you deserve. ----------- As this is a technology predicated on IR sensors, a fair amount of testing has gone into the operational temperatures of the Vive. Generally speaking it shouldn't face issues if the hardware and environment is below 35c. I don't know if there is an official operational temp range of the Vive but I'll look into it. Prior to my time at Vive I had a fair amount of experience in setting up Vives outdoors and the only time I ever had SteamVR tracking fail was at temperatures above 42c (at which point the PC itself was also struggling). Many of these complaints cluster around the shared statement that the hardware/software worked fine until ~5-6 weeks ago which is why I personally think it's a SteamVR/compositor thing.
  22. , please try switching over to the beta branch of SteamVR. As I've said in previous posts, I suspect this is a SteamVR issue and not an issue with the Vive hardware itself and it appears to be improving with each sucessive update to SteamVR.
  23. Our community staff has recently grown and our community manager has been working on other initiatives but continues to monitor these threads. You'll be seeing an increasingly diverse group of Vive staff posting on here. I've been working on solving this issue with a number of users here and offsite through PMs. I'm pretty sure that in most cases this isn't a hardware issue and is instead related to the SteamVR backend which is difficult to troubleshoot. These issues appear to be clustered around an update that was pushed ~5 weeks ago. It seems as each successive update to SteamVR resolves this issue for a greater number of affected users. As suggested, the most recent beta branch seems to be much more stable for users experiencing this cluster of issues.
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