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  1. David, Thank you for that GREAT explanation of why the Vive should NOT be set up outdoors. I was aware of the "burn-in" issue for the fresnel lenses/display, but I was unaware of the other potential issues as regards the sensors and the "giant IR emitter" we affectionately cal "Sol". I was hoping to do some outdoor demos with a pop-up, fully enclosed shade structure, but I think you've persuaded me against doing so. Robert
  2. Well, we now have four functioning Vive Pro stations all working with SteamVR within the same area, served by 6 base station 2.0s. As we added more base stations to the perimeter of the space, the tracking seems to become more stable on each of the setups. The number of differently "seen" base stations differs on each setup. One base station is not visible to one of the setups at all due to the odd configuration of the room's interior walls. But even that station sees three base stations. One station sees all six base stations, though, of course, will only utilize four for tracking. We used the bluetooth configuration utility to autoscan the room and then made minor number changes to the duplicated numbered base stations. It only needs to be done on one of the stations and afterward, each other station knows the correct number of each base station. Some hassles: In order to make it work, we had to create separate email accounts for each station. We just used a Gmail account, for now, but hope to migrate that to our school domain in the future. It will be very problematic to use a Gmail account for a classroom full of 25 stations- which is where we will be heading in the Fall of 2019. I'm hoping to have a better system, like an arcade type of distribution, in the future. Vive, if you're listening, please get in touch with me and offer me a solution that would work. Heck, we'll even consider being your Northern California testing station for such a classroom effort, with your help. Our next phase is to install all the (non) Vive software we'll be using for our students to work with: Unreal Engine, Unity, 3dsMax, AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup, Inventor, Rhino3D, Enscape3D, Lumion. And then all the SteamVR apps that we want students to use for becoming familiar with VR and even some games for just enjoying the entire VR experience. None of the stations have room-scale use. All are for standing/sitting use only. I have plans to allow for that in the future.
  3. By using the special uninstall tool by Microsoft, I was able to remove all the Vive (failed) install items and reinstall Viveport and now things are working properly. I'm still having slight tracking issues with the Vive Pro, my controllers jump a bit at times or fly out of my hands. I'm still trying to reduce reflective surfaces, but I suspect it's not just that alone that's causing it.
  4. I can't install the Vive Desktop app either. When I attempt to do so I get the following errors and problems: If I manually locate the missing msi file, I get the message above that it's invalid. When I cancel out, it refers me to the website (error 1603) that is of no assistance.
  5. I'm having the exact same issue. Has the OP found any remedy yet?
  6. I’m sorry I have no advice or recommendations to give you, but I’m hoping you can give some to me. I’m in the beginning process of working out an installation for 24 Vive HTC seated setups in a classroom. This sounds possible, based on what I’ve researched to date, maybe even more possible when the lighthouse 2.0 tech/headsets/controllers become available. I’m confident the headsets will have no issues as they read their position from the (dumb) lighthouses. However, I’m concerned about the connectivity of the controllers to the headsets. I know that Vive has a proprietary technology to allow the controllers to pair and communicate with the headset, but I’m wondering if that might be an issue in a classroom with 24 seated students within 5 to 6 feet of each other. When setting up your arcade, did you have access to any technical documents from Vive or any white papers that assisted you in the process?
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