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Jose Navarro

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  1. This is what I did to solve it. First of all close the application. Open C:\ProgramData\HTC\Vive\Vive.settings with notePad app or similar txt application. You will find something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <settings xmlns:htc="http://vrstore.htc.com/settings/values" xmlns="http://vrstore.htc.com/settings/values"> <setting name="btn_install_folder"> <value>D:\VivePort_HTC</value> </setting> <setting name="chkbox_auto_update"> <value type="bool">true</value> </setting> </settings> You need to change the path <value>D:\VivePort_HTC</value> with your new path. Then Save... and there is the problem, you have no permissions to do so. You need to Save it with another name, for example "vive.xml" in the same folder. Then you need to erase the file C:\ProgramData\HTC\Vive\Vive.settings with Administration permissions. To do so, right clik the file and you will see the option in the menu. Final step. Rename the file "vive.xml" with "vive.settings" It should work, it did for me
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