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Posts posted by paulasheville

  1. I have gray screen issues with Vive Pro and wireless, and am seeing the 'back-facing hits' errors in the logs at the time of gray screen. I have read online that these errors are usually resulting from reflections issues, but I have to the best of my knowledge covered all reflections in the room, and am still getting them. Here is an example of the errors:

    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:56.855 - lighthouse: LHR-2AF5C70F H: Resetting tracking: no optical samples for 2026ms
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:56.855 - lighthouse: LHR-2AF5C70F H: Dropped 1992 back-facing hits during the previous tracking session
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.336 - lighthouse: Lighthouse IMU HID device error
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.336 - lighthouse: LHR-D037FD3F: Disconnected from receiver 853EDFCBD0
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.336 - lighthouse: LHR-D037FD3F C: Tracking thread peak duty cycle 92% (over 4.8s).  Blocked in SendOnPoseChange 0% of that.
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.336 - lighthouse: LHR-D037FD3F C: Dropped 81 rejected updates, 102217 back-facing hits, 3 non-clustered hits during the previous tracking session
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.434 - lighthouse: LHR-B289FDD1 C: Tracking thread peak duty cycle 98% (over 4.5s).  Blocked in SendOnPoseChange 0% of that.
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.434 - lighthouse: LHR-B289FDD1 C: Resetting tracking: no optical samples for 4612ms
    Wed Feb 09 2022 10:23:59.434 - lighthouse: LHR-B289FDD1 C: Dropped 81532 back-facing hits, 7 non-clustered hits during the previous tracking session

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  2. I am shocked at the complete lack of any kind of decent customer support or even empty BS public relations "we're still working on it" coming from this company. I will be going onto all of relevant the high member numbers Facebook, Reddit, and other social media groups to shout from the rooftops for people to avoid this product.  Congrats HTC, way to alienate and piss off your customer base.

  3. I have not even been contact 1:1 as this post promised to ask me about my system specs or audio card/drivers. I'm guessing this is because they know EXACTLY what the problem is already, and they don't have a fix.

  4. I can confirm that the "camera trick" is the only way I can get the sound back to full volume again, but the sound quality is still pretty bad.


    I have about two weeks left to return this on my return policy, and it's going to be going back if there is not an official fix before that time. I would rather wait until they release a new version with improved audio.

  5. OK I fixed it again. It was Loudness Equalization. It showed as enabled when I went into properties via the selection of (Speakers - Vive Pro  Multimedia Audio), which was what I believed the correct setting to be. However, when I turned camera on and off as suggested above, it selected a different playback device which was (Vive Pro - Nvidia High Definition Audio). I went into the settings for this and selected Loudness Equalization and the volume went up dramatically. In fact I had to turn it down not to hurt my ears (as it should be with any good headphones).  


    Are you listening HTC techs? The customers are having to try to fix yours issues because you don't seem to want to bother or do even the most rudimentary customer support.


    Here's an idea. . . have some support people go work at Disney or another company with and decent sense of support for a while and learn the basics. Customer Service and PR 101....Don't just ignore a big issue.

  6. Whatever I did to fix it is not working again today after restarting Steam and SteamVR. It's obviously driver or software related, but I have no idea what I actually did, because loudness equalization is not working to fix it today.

  7. Well I seemed to have somehow fixed the volume issue. I'm guessing what did it was turning on Loudness Equalization in the Windows Playback settings for the device. My guess is that this is overriding some volume attenuation occuring at the system level with the drivers for the device. I can't speak to the quality, but it does seem to be about the same as my DAS headphones now.


    It's really sad that I've managed to figure out a possible fix just from tinkering, but that the engineers from HTC haven't managed to figure out recommended solutions yet.

  8. TylerDax, for me the quality is improved a bit by the patch, but the volume is the issue. Are you able pump up the volume to levels you could on the DAS or any cheap $20 headphones from Target? Also, for me the volume seems lower in games like Skyrim for instance, than playing music through windows.

  9. The fact that we're getting no support here other than "feel free to use your own headphones", is just about reason enough for me to not want to give another cent to this company, and return this unit for a refund.


    For anyone that bought at Gamestop, they may be difficult about you returning it, but if you demonstrate it's a widespread defect, they will allow it.  I own a succesful e-commerce business, and would never in a million years consider it an option to ignore my customer base for this long with such a major issue. My customers would be livid.


    The resolution is definitely a plus, but with the sound about 25% lower than what I set it at on my  DAS when the volume is maxed, it definitely cancels out any benefit, and for $800, I better come out in the positive.


    Anyone have any experience with the Samsung Odyssey? I've read mixed reports about the controller tracking issues. I'm wondering if it might be a replacement since it has the same resolution as the Pro.

  10. So, this new Steam release is just the full release of the patch that was already in the Beta branch? Nothing new correct?

    I've done A/B testing of the Vive Pro headphones compared to my deluxe audio strap headphones and the difference in sound quality is substantial.

  11. David,


    Yes I've turned the volume on the headset all the way up as well as in the System (windows).  I have the firmware updated and am in the beta for SteamVR.


    If you think that saying "you can use your own headphones" or "you will have to wait until the development community uses our new SDK to fix the sound" will keep me or any other users experiencing this issue from returning the unit, you are mistaken. Those are both very poor PR responses to this issue.

  12. I've noticed that enabling "gain reduction" in the SteamVR settings doesn't seem to do anything, which makes me think that it is locked on with the Vive Pro. With the Vive, gain reduction keeps the volume below a certain level to keep from blowing the speakers. Even with volume at 100% it has no effect on the Vive Pro headphones.

  13. Same problem here. Did firmware update and rebooted everything, but the volume at 100% sounds like my DAS at 50%. It's sad because I'm loving the display but no way I'm paying 800 bucks for a headset with speakers that sound so poor.

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