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Posts posted by pablocael

  1. Hi There, I notice a delay between tracking update and camera image update. This makes virtual objects to "oscilate" when you move the head: they dont mach the image perfectly because image plane moves after image gets updated.


    Im trying to match the delays. However, I cannot change FPS camera settings! Nothing I´ve tried works.. it just restar steamvr and the same (something about 30 and 60) value is set.


    Any hint?



  2. Hi! Im trying to use Depth Image Texture to discard pixels of virtual objects whose depth are behind real objects. For instance, if my hand passes in front of a virtual cube, it would occlude it.


    The first naive ideia is to use a shader to directly compare depth values from virtual scene (using Depth Buffer) and real world (using HTC Depth Texture). However, those textures does not have the same proportion.

    If there a way of doing this using resources from SRWorks?


    A more depth think brought me to think that I would need to sample world points and generate a texture for each eye (since occlusion occurs differently for each eye). However I think I would need some kind of "raycast" for generating the depth values.



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