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  1. Anybody that has this issue try this out. Go buy a good externally powered USB hub (the one that comes with a power supply) that has at least 3 USB 3.0 ports, and use your wirelless recievers for your trackers with it instead of plugging them direcly to your PC. Don't forget to plug in the powers supply to the USB hub. You see, the power that you get form USBs of your PC is usually a very dirty noisy power even on some expensive motherboards, it may couse the issue. And the VIVE headset is powered externally with a power supply that goues into the linkbox. So the two wireless recievers that are built into the headet (one for each controller) get the clean noseless power, hance you don't have the isseu with your controllers. Try externally powered USB hub and let me know if the issue's gone. If it doesn't help, you can just return the USB hub to the store to get a full refund. Good luck.
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