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  1. Thank you very much. Unfortunately we need to buy the laptop along with the adapter, and I don't knwo how to make sure of this. And since they are so expensive it is an unacceptable gamble. Is it a better idea to find a laptop with miniDP (as there seem to be NO laptops with DP).
  2. Hi, the question might seem kind of dumb, but most laptops do NOT have DisplayPort. They have one of two things. Mini Display Port (for which I cannot get an adpator where I live) or USBc Type C connector. So my question is this can I use an adaptro like this: https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-811611923-adaptador-usb-tipo-c-31-a-displayport-mac-macbook-113cdp0-_JM?quantity=1#position=26&type=item&tracking_id=2a54ba41-a762-45aa-8b1c-c151ba0cbbb5 (page is in spanish but hte picture is self explanatory, I think) and safely use it with the headsert? Thanks !!
  3. Thank you. To answer your question, I'm not interested at all in VR Gaming. I don't really like it. I'm actually a video game player but, in this case, it is just a coincidence. I also develop software for a medical company. And It just so happens that the company I work for, needs to move some of the software I've developed into VR. Mainly because it is a headset and this prevents the user from seeing anything else. What we really need is the eye tracking, and after testing several desktop mounted eye trackers, we've decided that a lot of the problems we have been seeing could be solved with a VR headset. And so here I am. @Corvus
  4. Ok. Can you tell me how to do this, please? I've only ever used steam for gaming and I've never used VR before so I always use the standar versions of everything.
  5. Hi The SteamVR version seems to be 1.8.21. Altough I'm not sure if it is a Bug. Unless you are telling me that the dots should appear after each calibration, in which case, yes, it is bug. Thanks!
  6. Hi! I'm currently using the Vive Pro Eye. I've just finished the calibration and after it, a screen appeared where I was supposed to look a dots and the dots would light up. However I barely got any of the dots to light, so I redid the calibration but then the dots would not appear anymore. How can I relaunch the test? Alternatively, is there way to see if the EyeTracker is tracking my eyes, correctly? Thanks in advance. @Daniel_Y @zzy
  7. Hi. I will be getting an HTC Vive Eye Pro Soon. I wanted to get a head start and look a bit at the documentation but I'm a bit lost. Which is the proper SDK to use in order to make DirectX11 or OpenGL code shown in the Headset? I want to develop my application using C++. From what I've seen, WAVE is for Android and VIVEPORT seems to be to develop applications for an App Store. How do I develop a standalone PC application? Thanks for any help.
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