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  1. I'm finding the same thing (convergence distance is not implemented). I wanted to use this value to limit the range of a Unity raycast for detecting and recording what object the user is looking at at any given moment. I limit what objects the raycast will detect (don't need to know the user is looking at the sky or a wall) by assigning objects of interest to a specific layer and setting the raycast layermask to that, so most of the time the raycast is looking out to infinity. I figure that's inefficient, but maybe not.
  2. I have a Unity application that needs to record pupil dilation as an indicator of user stress levels. For this to be meaningful, it needs to be normalized relative to scene luminosity. I don't see any obvious way to measure overall luminosity short of adding up all the pixel values and dividing by the number of pixels. Is there system parameter that provides this value or an API call that does that calculates it?
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