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  1. I have the same issue, with the exception that my headphones work. The cosmos-microphone isn't even detected in device manager. There is an errored "usb-composite device" in the device manager with descriptor "HTC Vive", which fails to update and launch. It can't update or reinstall this driver correctly for some reason. I've tried re-installing all the usb drivers and resetting the hmd device within SteamVR to no avail. Is it possible to get the Audio driver separately and force a manual driver installation? Thanks. i7 2700k 4cores @ 3.8ghz liquid cooled rtx2080 stock clocks 16GB g-skill ddr3 2333mhz @stvnxu
  2. Turns out it was residual data left behind in the. TMP folder that was stopping downloads from occurring. Took over 6 hours to work out. Once I deleted all remnants of htc & vive from this folder, i could finally download viveport & drivers successfully.
  3. Are the servers down in Aus? I've been trying to reinstall Viveport and the HTC Cosmos all night and cant get past the initial start due to "Download Failed" issues??
  4. Hi, I have now lost 6 hours with this very same error. I Had a blue screen for an unrelated error, while the headset wasn't even connected. Which forced the system to restore to a previous day. On rebooting the headset was no longer detected by SteamVR. I tried repairing the viveport install to no avail. Tried uninstalling everything to do with htc & vive to no avail. Did a registry clean of any htc crud to no avail. I can't even download and install the viveport app, because it fails with the " Download Failed, Please check the network connection and try again". Obviously there is no dam network problems cause i can post here with my frustrations. $1200 and i haven't been able to properly use my headset yet. I've rebooted many times, tried various usb 3.1 & 3.0 ports and fully deleted anything to do with Vive from the system. I can't get past the Download Failed prompt at the beginning of the install process. As you can see from the attached file, there are NO Tracking drivers installed. How can i source them if the download fails from your servers. How can I do a full reinstall from scratch with all the initial connection prompts again?? Please help.. i7 - 2700K 4 cores @ 3.7Ghz 16Gb Ram @ 2333Mhz RTX2080 Stock clocks Usb 3.1 Type-A & C 1.5Tb SSD's useless HTC Vive Cosmos, brand new and unused (so far) SteamVR-2019-12-27-PM_11_47_31.txt
  5. Hi, I have now lost 6 hours with this very same error. I Had a blue screen for an unrelated error, while the headset wasn't even connected. Which forced the system to restore to a previous day. On rebooting the headset was no longer detected by SteamVR. I tried repairing the viveport install to no avail. Tried uninstalling everything to do with htc & vive to no avail. Did a registry clean of any htc crud to no avail. I can't even download and install the viveport app, because it fails with the " Download Failed, Please check the network connection and try again". Obviously there is no dam network problems cause i can post here with my frustrations. $1200 and i haven't been able to properly use my headset yet. I've rebooted many times, tried various usb 3.1 & 3.0 ports and fully deleted anything to do with Vive from the system. I can't get past the Download Failed prompt at the beginning of the install process. As you can see from the attached file, there are NO Tracking drivers installed. How can i source them if the download fails from your servers. How can I do a full reinstall from scratch with all the initial connection prompts again?? Please help.. i7 - 2700K 4 cores @ 3.7Ghz 16Gb Ram @ 2333Mhz RTX2080 Stock clocks Usb 3.1 Type-A & C 1.5Tb SSD's useless HTC Vive Cosmos, brand new and unused (so far) SteamVR-2019-12-27-PM_11_47_31.txt
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