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  1. @Tony PH Lin Thanks. I am currently using <InputDevice>.SendHapticImpulse(0, amplitude, duration); but I have noticed that whatever 'amplitude' I pass, the haptic vibration feels extremely strong on Vive Focus Plus whether the value passed is 0.1 or 1.0. Not sure if this is a bug or related to the device. I can try 'WXRDevice.SendHapticImpulse' as suggested. Does it use something else under the hood (not Unity XR) so it changes the intensity?
  2. Hi, Is there a haptics API in the latest Wave XR SDK? I remember there being an interface in the older SDK i.e. TriggerHapticPulse but don't see it in the latest one. Or do we need to directly use the Unity XR input device for haptics now? Thanks, Sid
  3. Hi, Our Unity project (2020.3.12f1) uses Pico, Oculus as well as Wave XR Plugins. We have run into an issue where we are getting app startup crashes on different devices (Quest/Pico) when we include the Wave XR Plugin (v1.0.1) even though it is disabled in the XR Plugins during build. Based on investigation by the Pico team and their discussion with Unity's tech support, it seems to be related to the following issue- "According to our discussion with Unity Tech, we think that the actual cause is that WaveSDK enabled even “WaveVR” is not selected in XR Plug-In Management. This also occurs on other platform like Oculus. Though it doesn’t introduce the crash issue on other platforms (nor G2 / Neo 2), there might other risks for such behavior. So the best way should still let Wave SDK optimize for this issue. Unity might also reach out to Wave about this case. We’d also suggest you reach out to Wave to confirm the issue as well." Deleting the file "libGfxWXRUnity.so" temporarily prevents the crashes but that is not a viable solution when having multiple XR Plugins in the project. Could you please investigate this issue? Thanks, Sidhant
  4. Hi, I just updated the Wave XR Plugin from v1.0.1 to v4.0.0-r.28 in our project and one of the provided scripts that I was using for Camera Passthru now says deprecated. This is probably related to the front camera access issue mentioned by @Fangh. We have a similar use case for QR code reading and not sure where to go at this point. What is the best way forward for developers? Thanks, Sidhant
  5. Thanks @Tony PH Lin. I was able to get it working after looking at the demo code.
  6. I am in the process of migrating to the new Wave XR Plugin from the legacy VR plugin which I have been using for a while. So far I have got the XR rig camera/controller setup and a basic scene working on my Vive Focus+. LEGACY VR PLUGIN: My code was using 'WaveVR_Init' from the legacy vr plugin which was updating device events (like swipe, etc.). via its update method (below) and subscriptions were possible through 'WaveVR_Utils'. Code snippets from the legacy plugin usage below: WVR_Event_t vrevent = new WVR_Event_t (); void Update() { bool ret = Interop.WVR_PollEventQueue (ref vrevent); if (ret) processVREvent (vrevent); } WaveVR_Utils.Event.Listen(WaveVR_Utils.Event.ALL_VREVENT, ProcessEvent); WaveVR_Utils.Event.Remove(WaveVR_Utils.Event.ALL_VREVENT, ProcessEvent); private void ProcessEvent(object[] args) XR PLUGIN: What is the best way to get all native device event updates in the new XR Plugin? I have the latest Vive Essence package downloaded. That has a 'WaveEssence' mono-behavior but most of the code in that is commented and it does not provide any device events. There is another script 'SystemEvent' in the Essence package which seems to deal with device event subscriptions. I do not see any example usage for it whether I just need to add it to my scene and subscribe to the event listener? Any help would be appreciated since I am just trying to move over. Thanks, Sid
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