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  1. Thanks for the heads-up, and yes, I am using vive.com/code.
  2. Hey there, I recently bought 2 HTC Vive Cosmos Elite and it came with 2 Codes in the box which I redeemed at vive.com/code. Now I have a bit of a Problem, as I could only choose between Alyx and 6 months of Viveport Infinity. I chose Viveport, and then the option to redeem Alyx just never came up again, and the website says my codes are invalid. The viveport code worked just fine. I even went to the page where you can see your redeemed codes but all I can see is the viveport code I already used. This is a bummer because the Terms and Condition clearly state that I get BOTH codes, one for Viveport and one for Alyx. I already did a Live Chat with support but to no avail, they just told me to redeem my code on Steam and they wouldnt understand I never got my codes. Does anyone else have this Problem? I'm really disappointed how all of this is handled, because at the moment no one is able to help me.
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