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Posts posted by JPalmer8

  1. @Corvus  Correct, I have admin rights on the PC and have been running the runtime as an admin.

    I just ran the runtime again as an admin, and the robot eyes turned orange and a USB icon showed up called "EyeChip".  However, the USB icon disappeared automatically a few seconds later, I heard a Windows disconnecting sound, and then the robot eyes turned black.  I then tried saving the Pack Log and it did not save again.

  2. Hello @Tony PH Lin

    Thank you for the suggestion!  I am just having difficulty saving the Pack Log.

    I right-click on the SR_RunTime Icon and select the "Pack Log" option as you suggested.

    After I select where to save the Pack Log, I get a message saying "Save Completed".  However, the file is never generated.  

    I have tried searching my computer for the "ViveSR_Log" but cannot find the file anywhere. 

    Have you encountered this error before or have any suggestions?

    Thanks again :) 

  3. @Corvus Thanks for the reply!   I am not able to interact with the eye calibration button.  I hover over the button and click on the controller but there is no response.   I also have a similar issue to the original post by @River123 with the robot eyes on SR_Runtime starting off as red and then becoming blank after a few seconds.

    I also tried running SR_Runtime as an administrator and running the eye calibration manually as an administrator with no success. 

    I do not have access to the computer at the moment, but I know the  system specs are compatible with the HTC Vive Pro Eye.  

    I am planning on contacting the manufacturer later this week to see if this is actually a hardware issue.   I will keep everyone updated as I work through this issue.  Thanks again for the help so far; I really appreciate any help I can get since I have been struggling with this issue for a while now.



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