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About Resistance

  • Birthday 03/30/1971

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  1. @VibrantNebula I will try that
  2. Elite and I did try that but I think its my base units not set right place so going to test it over the weekend Its hard to get support if you limit my post count per day
  3. Will keep trying for now its just to high
  4. Get Half-Life: Alyx for FREE. Plus 2-month VIVEPORT Infinity membership, Digital code included in box The code for vivieport not working and cant see where to download the free game maybe because I cant get into the viveport
  5. How to set floor level as it is far to high also the home room cant move around in it I need this for a sitting position
  6. I got my HTC VIVE Cosmos Elite VR Headset from amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B085LY3W21/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 How can I get added into the Verified Members group I can send a staff member the order number via pm if needed I know if I got it from the website it would of added me only reason I got it from amazon is because I seen a post saying you get two years guarantee
  7. If you set it for global settings it will be on for all games that support it
  8. Sorry it took so long to reply can only make 4 posts a day not sure why maybe because I got the item from amazon so I am not a confirmed buyer. So is that item out yet if so do you have a link to it and what is it meant to do and is it the bottom middle one in that picture
  9. I went and got the Cosmos Elite I hope it is good
  10. Is the AUGMENTED REALITY an update that will come to it or a new headset? also that headset has only LED what about some of the other ones on the VIVE website I see one has the OLED and the VIVE Pro has the AMOLED screens
  11. I have looked over all the different ones you have on your site and have no idea what one to pick so what I am looking for is The highest res for each eye OLED (I think this is the best) Wired (But the option to go wireless or blue tooth would be a good option or both) Built in senses The headset needs to be used in sitting or standing options If used in standing it can be used in a room say 30 foot by 30 foot Built in headset with top of the range sound system Built in mic needs to be the best mic system as well I do have the Oculus rift s but the sound system is crap (not sure if the one I got it broken)
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