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Everything posted by Tone

  1. yup! that did the trick nicely!!! thank you.
  2. Is there away I can have my master audio out from my pc playing to my speakers AND my vive pro headset at the same time. right now as soon a s i launch vr my headset takes over the game audio. Not too much fun when I have a couple people taking turns playing but the room is silent. Would love to here my music i have playing in the room and the vive. im in windows 10.
  3. very new here, only have had my setup about a week. I have a good speced pc with a fresh install of windows 10, all the current drivers needed, and only installed steam/vive, firefox, plex and the nvidia software. My setup is a vive pro and lighthouse v2??? (curved front). Every time i launch steam, then steam vr the tracking is laggy. the only thing ive been able to do to remedy it is a windows reboot. So i boot my computer from off, load steam vr and its laggy. quit, windows reboot. Then i launch steam vr again and its fine. every single time i have to start my computer twice for it to work without lag. what could the problem be?
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