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Posts posted by GoranW

  1. Both the left yellow and right red items in System menu are now working, with images that I uploaded. It's just that when I had reuploaded a different image in DMS, it didn't appear in the System menu. Instead it was still showing my previous uploaded image, even though the Library showed the newly uploaded Main thumbnail image.

    HOWEVER, after moving my headset to another office and wifi, it suddenly works (even without uploading a new APK). So there seems to be a refresh issue, perhaps solved by cycling wifi offline online.

    NOTE: While I was offline from WiFi, even the Library image was reverted to a previous thumbnail image (not sure if that one came from inside the APK or from cached data).

    So in the end, besides these refresh issues, my only remaining problem right now is that the resolution of the Main thumbnail image is too low (316 x 178) to look good in the System menu (yellow/full items) - especially for displaying text/logo etc.

    (I tried uploading a higher-res image, but it appeared to be downscaled and look worse in the Library while still not looking good in System menu. Haven't double-checked that yet, though, due to the refresh issues.)

    It would be good to get a clarification of (more in detail) which image will end up where, and under which circumstances, since there seems to be a heuristic/mixture of embedded, cached and directly downloaded images being used under different conditions of connectivity, app installation source etc, making it difficult to grasp from a developer standpoint.

  2. @VIVE_chengnay - Thank you, I now get one of my own images from VIVE DMS to show up in the VIVE System menu - it seems to be the "Main thumbnail" (316 x 178) image. (NOTE: that resolution is a bit too low to look good there...)

    However, it gets confusing once I try replacing the image. I tried replacing all the images for my app on the VIVE DMS Content page, and while the Main thumbnail was quickly refreshed in Library on the Focus 3 (without reinstall or anything like that), the VIVE System menu still seems to retain one of the older images? Is it only when replacing the APK that the system menu thumbnail gets updated, perhaps? And in that case, is there any way to get a more hi-res image than the 316 x 178 size?

  3. @Tony PH Lin Thank you, that's good news. Keep me posted on the next FOTA release with the fix.

    Also, could you post a screenshot showing an example of what we can expect to see in the VIVE popup menu, given an icon/image we setup in Unity?

    Is the larger image in VIVE menu really just for "stock" apps? For example, the "Open Brush" application has a large image shown there - is that considered a "stock" app as well?

  4. @VIVE_chengnay In the Library, I see a full-size icon (of our own design) for our app - we are using VIVE DMS to install our corporate content, so that icon is downloaded from there (I'm currently updating the app directly from Unity via Build and Run, though).

    I could try a new "dummy" project, but then it would not be installed via DMS but just directly from Unity (so it would have a smaller size icon in the Library)...

  5. Thank you for your replies!

    @VIVE_chengnay I tried setting up the Default Icon and also the "top shelf" (max resolution) of the 3 Android icon types (Adaptive, Round, Legacy). Still no image shown, other than this generic (?) background (see attached screenshot).

    @Tony PH Lin Are you referring to the background in the attached screenshot from the VIVE menu? I could see our app (but still without an app-specific image) in the "Recent apps" on the right-hand side, while inside another app (and other apps show their specific images in the VIVE menu).

    Is there any specific Unity version required for this to work? (We're on a slightly old version, 2021.3.11f1.)

    Could you provide a minimal working example of a Unity project which sets the VIVE menu image correctly for the updated Focus 3?



  6. Hi! After upgrading to VIVE Focus 3 Software 6.0.999.960 (not sure from exactly which version, but at least 5.0.999.646), our Unity-based native VR app no longer has its app-specific icon/image displayed on the (in-app) popup "VIVE Menu" (which appears when pressing the VIVE button on the right controller). Instead, there seems to be just some generic background image which is not associated with our app.

    How can we get our app-specific image to show up in the VIVE menu again?

    (For reference, the menu I'm mentioning is shown on this page: https://www.vive.com/ca/support/focus3/category_howto/launching-and-closing-vr-title.html)


  7. On 3/1/2022 at 9:49 AM, Dario said:

    Hi GoranW, the "Wave XR Plugin - Open XR" package isn't public yet. To apply for early access please see the top most pinned topic on this forum or go directly to https://forms.office.com/r/CR8R32T7xD to apply.

    Thanks. I see, but then it really ought to say "OpenXR Android for WaveXR (needs early access)" in the (public) VIU Settings.
    Also, I've applied for Early Access via that form several times now, but never got any reply. Please PM me to resolve this. @Dario

  8. OK, after some more testing I can conclude that with Wave XR, unit_StereoEyeIndex only works in vert shader but not in frag shader.

    This is in contrast to Oculus XR, where it works fine in frag shader as well.

    A workaround is to pass the value on from vert shader to frag shader.

  9. Was this confirmed to work? I'm trying to get it working on VIVE Focus 3 using VIVE Input Utility (VIU).

    Same scene + shader is working on Quest 2 via Oculus XR in VIU, but if I switch to Wave XR in VIU then unit_StereoEyeIndex is always 0 (in frag shader), both for Single-pass and Multi-pass rendering.

    @Dario Any clue?

  10. I built a simple 2D Android mobile app (.apk file, with no VR support) in Unity and used "Build And Run" to start it on Focus 3.

    The first time I did this, it did not start (unexpected), but I was able to locate it in Library by filtering on "2D". It started and worked fine, as a 2D window in Lobby (expected) and could be stopped by pointing at the X button below (expected).

    However, on subsequent use of "Build And Run", my 2D app starts directly (expected) BUT in VR/fullscreen (unexpected) - and NOT in a 2D window in Lobby (which I would expect). The 2D content is split in half per left/right eye, so not at all comfortable to look at.

    Additionally, there is no way to exit the 2D app once it is in VR/fullscreen mode (unexpected), so I have to force-stop the activity via [adb shell am ...]. Home button on the right controller does not bring upp system menu, and 10-second press on left headset-button does not close 2D apps (this seems to be "by design", same for 2D window in Lobby). NOTE: After force-stop, I can re-start my 2D app from Library (2D) and then it starts and works fine as a 2D window in Lobby...
    Expected behavior: 2D content installed via Unity's "Build And Run" should always start in a 2D window in Lobby, never as VR/fullscreen. @Alex_HTC

  11. In Unity with VIVE Input Utility v1.15.0.0, i get the following failure when I go to "Edit - Preferences - VIU Settings" and press the button "Add Wave XR Plugin - Open XR" that's associated with checkbox "OpenXR Android for WaveXR (experimental)" and tooltip "VIVE Focus 3" :

    Something wrong when adding package to list. error:NotFound(Unable to add package [com.htc.upm.wave.openxr]:
      Package [com.htc.upm.wave.openxr] cannot be found)
    UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
    HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive.VIUSettingsEditor/PackageManagerHelper:get_isAddingToList () (at Assets/HTC.UnityPlugin/ViveInputUtility/Scripts/Editor/VIUSettingsEditor.cs:392)
    HTC.UnityPlugin.Vive.VIUSettingsEditor:OnVIUPreferenceGUI () (at Assets/HTC.UnityPlugin/ViveInputUtility/Scripts/Editor/VIUSettingsEditor.cs:679)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

  12. NOTE: In my case the cable used is the official Oculus Link Cable (optical, hi-speed, USB-C) connected to a USB-C port on the PC motherboard. I get the same issue on two different PCs, one with Windows 10 and one with Windows 11. Connecting via ADB (Android Debug Bridge) works fine. Streaming via VIVE Business Streaming from Steam VR works fine too. It's only the Windows Explorer connection that does not work as expected.

    According to this guide - https://www.vive.com/eu/support/focus3/category_howto/copying-screenshots-and-recordings-to-computer.html - a "VIVE Focus 3" device should appear in Windows Explorer (step 5). Instead I get an "Unspecified" device called "KONA-QRD _SN:<serial nr>" (insert your serial number here) in "Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers". Also, in step 2 a "Choose USB mode" dialog should appear in the headset, but that does not happen.

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