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  1. Thanks for the quick reply. I see the other dongle says it support 2.4GHz and 5GHz, what should I do to switch in between? Is the Microsoft 4K Wireless Display Adapter works?
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. I see the other dongle says it support 2.4GHz and 5GHz, what should I do to switch in between? Would be great if you can give me a suggestion, which I can directiy buy one
  3. https://www.amazon.de/AT-Mizhi-Streaming-Bildschirm-Anzeigeempfänger-Unterstützung-Schwarz/dp/B086JYHY6M/ref=pd_sbs_sccl_1/260-2757713-1357318?pd_rd_w=zMoh7&pf_rd_p=dd7cdb0d-7d18-43ba-a06d-a9f4cc6bae51&pf_rd_r=9THMAT457RGVWQ6XRXHH&pd_rd_r=36f2f8c0-8f33-4b90-8bbd-1a4e563794c0&pd_rd_wg=3dN9j&pd_rd_i=B086JYHY6M&psc=1 We bought this one, seems it is a 2,4 GHz not a 5 GHz dongle And with your advice I found this : https://www.amazon.de/FIYAPOO-Miracast-Streaming-Projektor-unterstützt-600Mbps-5GHz/dp/B08RDNL8SK/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=8KCYKR1CS23A&keywords=miracast+5g&qid=1649859377&s=ce-de&sprefix=miracast+5+g%2Celectronics%2C88&sr=1-3 Is this one much better the older one? Sorry I don't know much about the streaming stuffs... and one more question, would the streaming be affected in a chao environment? like an exhibition? Thanks a lot 🙂
  4. Hi there, I am using the vive focus 3, and build a app with unity, then stream the app from the focus 3 to the monitor with miracast. Can someone give tipps about the streaming? It works but very laggy, how to improve the quality of the streaming? Thanks in advance 🙂
  5. Hi thanks for the quick reply and it solve the problem 🙂
  6. Hello, I am using the WAVE XRSDK 4.4 but after I update the XR SDK from 4.1 to 4.4 the error shows: 'WVR_HandGestureType' does not contain a definition for 'WVR_HandGestureType_Inverse' here is the error line in the code: #if VIU_WAVE_XRSDK_4_2_90_OR_NEWER WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Palm_Pinch; #else WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Inverse; #endif how can I fix this, I tried delete the line but it will just come back... need help Thanks in advance :)
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