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Posts posted by Fil

  1. I'm also interested in a solution to disable these logs.

    And please no, filtering the logs is not a solution 🙂

    FYI: In my case, the logs are only shown in the editor. I built an "in scene" log console in my app and the wave related logs are not showing up, when running on the Focus 3.

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  2. If the step above helps regarding the quality then you should simplify the geometry in your scene (mostly reduce the polygons) or deactivate some post processing features.

    I would suggest not to unselect "dynamic resolution" for your productive app because framerate drops could induce VR sickness.

  3. Hi,

    Under "Project Settings / XR Plugin Management / WaveXRSettings" you can find the setting "adaptive Quality Mode". 

    If the dynamic resolution is on and your scene is too complex to render so the framerate would go down too much, the resolution will be reduced then.

    Choose Customization mode and unselect the dynamic resolution:


  4. I am not part of the OpenXR Beta program, so I cannot really help you.

    But the most probable problem in my opinion is that some packages or examples have unregistered cross dependencies.

    You should try downloading all OpenXR related packages (also for Android although you are developing for Windows). You should also try importing the other examples (Facial Tracking and HandTracking examples).

    Perhaps the missing scripts are located there.

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  5. Ok I got a feedback from the support team and they solved my problem.

    If you have also the problem that your WIFI MAC Address has changed:

    • forget your current WIFI, in which you have the problem
    • Reconnect to the WIFI and set "use Device MAC" instead of "use randomized MAC" before you confirm the connection
    • Now the used Wifi MAC Address is the "native" device Mac address

    Unfortunately, setting "use device MAC" on a wifi you are already connected with doesn't set the MAC Address to the "native" one. Sounds like a bug for me.

  6. Thanks, I reported the issue. As soon as I get a copy per mail (I assume I will get it), I can transfer the logs to you.

    For Info: This is not important to have this setting valid for all networks or not. The important aspect is to have the "static" headset MAC address remaining the same over time/over update. 

  7. I'm 100% sure that the MAC Address is changing.

    We need to whitelist it in the Wifi MAC Filter in our Corporate Guest WIFI in order to access the Internet.

    I already needed to rewhitelist the device twice with a new MAC Address because the address had changed. I supposed then that it was after each update (but it could possibly happen after a certain amount of time, I'm not completly sure about this point).

    A MAC Address change is a big issue for a business device.

  8. Thanks for your reply. I know, that we need to set to "Use device MAC Address" in the connection settings.

    The problem is that the device wifi MAC address is changing after each update. So the fixed IP is not the same anymore and it gets rejected by the MAC address filter.

  9. Hi,

    We are developing VR solutions for industrial purposes. We deploy mostly on VIVE Focus because the headset is targeting professional users. The headset is OK and is mostly fulfilling our expectations.

    Our customers (internal and external) are business partners and rely on a strong technical support.

    And unfortunately we have made only terrific experiences with the VIVE support ... 

    It feels like the support team has never used the headset or the toolbox. They don't undestand our problems... They send totally random answers...And it is slow (approximately 2 days in order to get a complete useless answer...). Typically we get answers like: "did you have a look at the vive developer page?", "did you try to follow the steps on the help page?". And they do it until you give up and the ticket is being closed...

    We are based in Germany and our support is somehow always speaking german, what we don't explicitly ask for (they speak german pretty well by the way). Perhaps it is the problem, our "dedicated" support is only here because they speak german? not for the skills? 

    I'm interested in your experience with the VIVE support. Was it good? And then in which country are you based? Do you have some tipps on how I can access a better support (only english speakers for example)?

    Thanks for your reply!

  10. On 4/15/2022 at 9:19 AM, C.T. said:

    Hey there, can you try to hold the combination below on the left controller to see if it recovers?

    X+Y+Joystick+Trigger for 5sec

    Press menu key to power on the device after LED went off.


    You made my day, it solved for me the problem that the controller always showed up as "connected" (green light) without being connected to the HMD. The controller didn't even try to connect then. This controller "reset" combination should be in the documentation.

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