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  1. The HMD only works with one json file when creating the map, so you'll have to generate One Json with all the markers you need.
  2. yes, they works for both funcitons. marker functions for LBE could all be used at the same time. (MBDP/MBR/MBSA)
  3. these functions are independent, if you choose Drift Prevention only, than only the markers set for Drift prevention will work. note that markers set for Drift Prevention could also be used for Advanced Relocation only if the function is enabled.
  4. For the login error, please provide me with your VIVE Account and I'll have our related owner to help you with that. As for the process, please follow the steps below: 1. Create a LBE map 2. Apply MBSA and save the map (follow the steps on VIVE Manager) 3. Operate your content which is aimed to use MBSA 4. Capture the logs.
  5. The settings for the batch configuration is correct. To make sure whether the function is enabled for the headset, please check the Batch configuration of the settings section on the device page on VB+, the name of the batch configuration will be shown on the list with a green check mark if successfully applied.
  6. By using the function, both the relocation accuracy and relocation speed should be improved. The Marker-Based Relocation speeds up relocation process when turning on the HMD, but it does not make the relocation time zero. The tracking engine still takes time to load the map, and this period of time depends on the size of the map, the larger the map the longer it takes.
  7. Yes, since the Drift Prevention works by embedded the markers into the tracking map, it is necessary to have the markers set up and Drift Prevention enabled before creating a map for the environment.
  8. Hi @Illusion Walk, could you provide logs for us to analysis the cause of the problem? since from the description, we couldn't be sure that the problem you face is the same as ChrisMa130's. so it will be better if we could take a look into your case as well. for capturing the logs, please use VIVE Business Console:
  9. Hi, for setting up the center and using MBSA, it affects different parts of the orentation. the center you set manually is the center of the map, which affects the lobby (steam home), as for MBSA, it should make changes for the specific content only, which embeded with the APIs and the unity scenes (which should only contain up to 2 markers). and MBSA should be applied to the map after setting the center of map, that is, if the center is changed (with VIVE Manager mobile app), the MBSA should be rescanned to align again since the orientation of the map is changed. also, could you provide a floor plan of your play area with the marker position marked on it and the firmware version (including SDK version) that you're using for us to analysis the problem for you? one other thing, the aruco markers on the ceiling might affect the tracking performance since the marker is actually not a good pattern for tracking (the square could look very alike when far away), but you could still skip the warning messeges as you did.
  10. From the result of adb logcat | find "_calib_data.json", the headset is not calibrated yet. the possible cause of adb logcat | find "LIVEK" not having any calibration progress result might be the environment, you may try to put the headset facing a wild and well decorated environment (same requirement as LBE mode environment), so the headset could start tracking and thus do the calibration. If the calibration process is still not working, you might have to factory reset the headset to make sure the calibration data is clean. Camera calibration is strongly suggested when the headset is used to build the LBE tracking map, since the condition of the cameras could largely effect the quality of tracking, other headsets will still do the calibration in the background in a fixed frequency, to ensure the tracking performance.
  11. these entrances can still be part of the vr experience and the tracking map, but the marker-based drift prevention might not work well in this kind of narrow areas, so it is recommended to place the markers only in the large area, which the drift preventing effect will be more noticable.
  12. Hi, The process will start once the headset starts tracking, no matter the message shows up in the terminal or not. To have a better understanding of the progress of calibration, make sure the headset is nicely connected to the PC, and try the following command to show the progress: adb logcat | find “LIVEK” instead of using adb logcat -s “LIVEK adsprpc” | findstr “LIVEK doLiveK” since some PC might not be able to show the correct result from this command. By replacing the command, you’ll see more information shown on the terminal, which should include the following, indicating the calibration process: [doLiveK] LIVEK prepare to collect data. Please use HMD look around. Once the line appears, you can start to move the headset around to scan the environment. [doLiveK] LIVEK good pose 100 [doLiveK] LIVEK good pose 200 [doLiveK] LIVEK good pose 300 [doLiveK] LIVEK good pose 400 [doLiveK] LIVEK good pose 500 [doLiveK] LIVEK good pose 600 [doLiveK] LIVEK pose enough. Once you saw this line, please put the headset into standby mode by pressing the headset’s power button [LIVEK] We use new extrinsic instead of original extrinsic. This line should show up after a few minutes in standby mode. Notes: Make sure the headset only contains the /mnt/vendor/mfg/Final_calib_data.json file The headset should be charged to at least 50% before calibrating. The calibration process will start right after the headset turns on, so make sure to connect the headset to the PC before powering on the headset.
  13. Hi, is the place marked as "Locker & suit up" in the picture represents the Entrance and Exit? If so, we suggest you to place the MBDP markers only in the main play area (the VR Space), on the 4 corners and making 2 diagonal lines, each have longest distance possible in the area. Meanwhile, the LBE tracking map could still cover the whole area including the entrance and exit.
  14. Hi, 2. For MBSA, just to confirm the setup flow, does VIVE Manager shows "save map success" after scanning the MBSA markers? 3. For resetting the position with VO marker based location sharing, you can set the API to trigger the scaning process again after your marker position (anchor) has been changed.
  15. Hi, for your questions, here's our feedback. 1. The marker scanning process should be done using the mobile app “ VIVE Manager” after creating the LBE map, there’s no need to set the marker scanning APIs for MBSA. 2. Please follow the guideline for setting up the APIs. Replace the numbers (which are shown in blue) from the examples with the ones you’re using. 3. Could you give us more details about your expectation of the “resetting the Scene Alignment or Location Sharing”? for example, what’s your use case of resetting them? What do you mean by “resetting”?
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