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Posts posted by Lacota

  1. Once direct preview is running in the headset, there is no native way to stop it. Selecting quit from the menu doesn't seem to work. When you try to quit you think it is closed but are then unable to run steam. I found that if I run vive business it shuts it down and then I am able to run steam. Feels like a bug. 

  2. I have the same issue. SteamVR says, headset not detected. Vive streaming hub is fine. Have reinstalled steamvr and followed the recommended steps to resolve the issue but no luck. Launching steamvr from steam doesn't help. I'm dead in the water. 


    Note: this all happened after trying to implement Wave in unity. But have rebooted many times since then so there is no running server.

  3. I currently have a scene with a single point light in additon to ambient light. The point light works on the PC but does not render in stand-alone mode on the XR Elite. My understanding is that this is an Android issue. Baking is not an option so I am assuming the work around is to use multiple spotlights unless someone has another suggestion. 

    Unity 2022.2.18

  4. I've been testing a standalone app on the XR Elite created in Unity using URP. When I build it to the headset and run it, I get stuttering and image duplication. If I switch it back to the standard pipeline I'm fine. Is this a known issue? If so, when do we anticipate URP will be supported. If not, is there something I need to do to setup URP for standalone deployments?

  5. I followed the setup video in Getting started with and porting to Wave, but I am unable to run my unity game on the vive xr elite headset. The only difference I noticed between the video and my setup was direct preview control panel does not have start and stop device APK options. I've tried using Vive Streaming Hub and Start Streaming server to no effect.

  6. Unity: 2021.3.19f1

    Wave: 5.2.0-r.8

    This is the error I get when enabling direct preview

    DllNotFoundException: wvr_plugins_directpreview assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
    Wave.Native.WVR_DirectPreview.GetInteractionMode () (at Library/PackageCache/com.htc.upm.wave.native@5.2.0-r.8/Runtime/Scripts/WVR_DirectPreview.cs:69)
    Wave.Native.Interop.WVR_GetInteractionMode () (at Library/PackageCache/com.htc.upm.wave.native@5.2.0-r.8/Runtime/Scripts/wvr.cs:2442)
    Wave.Essence.WaveEssence.GetInteractionMode () (at Library/PackageCache/com.htc.upm.wave.essence@5.2.0-r.8/Runtime/Scripts/WaveEssence.cs:1027)
    Wave.Essence.ClientInterface.get_InteractionMode () (at Library/PackageCache/com.htc.upm.wave.essence@5.2.0-r.8/Runtime/Scripts/Utilities.cs:135)
    Wave.Essence.Controller.Model.ControllerTips.Update () (at Assets/Wave/Essence/Controller/Model/5.2.0-r.8/Scripts/ControllerTips.cs:1486)

  7. Running XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples for the first time in a session works fine but after stopping and restarting the tracking on my controllers is lost. Not only are their positions incorrect but their x and z axis seem to be swapped. Lifting the controllers causes them to move to the right. The only way to fix them is to close and reopen unity, steamvr and vive hub. Other dev demos have the same issue. The problem goes away when returning to steamvr home or other games but resumes if I go back into my game.

    Unity 2022.2.14

    OpenXR - Vive XR Support - Android

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