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About yijing

  • Birthday 04/08/2000

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  1. Hi @VIVE_chengnay, Thank you for your response. However, I'm not quite sure how to actually implement the advice you provided. Should I execute "copy com.htc.upm.wave.essence folder" you mentioned within Unity? By the way, I use the demo project "NaturalHand" below the path Wave>>Essence>>Hand>>Model>>5.3.2-r.4>>Demo that offer by Wave XR Plugin.
  2. Hi @VIVE_chengnay, yes, i tried to modify HandManager.cs
  3. Hello, I want to output hand joints position,rotation and the hand gesture informations as a CSV, TXT, or JSON file for my research purposes. So, I looked at the script in Unity's console to find the corresponding code. However, when I use VS Code to add another codes and save it, the modified content reverts to its original state. Why does this happen? Are there any other methods to output log information? Thanks.
  4. Hi @Tony PH Lin, I successfully installed the Vive_rrClient.apk in VIVE XR Elite using the command line. Thank you for the response.😀
  5. Hello, @Tony PH Lin Here are the files from two different paths. Please assist me in resolving the issue. Thank you very much. Editor.rarLog.rar
  6. Hello, I am following both Using Direct Preview For Testing On The Headset With Unity and DirectPreview tutorial. I had already installed HTC Device/VIVE RR Interface on my PC. I believe Unity is using the correct Android adb.exe file because no errors occurred and the unity console show “adb.exe exist in path”. However, after I click “Install Device APK” I got an error message “Install Direct Preview device APK failed.” According to the "USB" section of the DirectPreview webpage, in Step 2 under the "Note," I need to check if there are any white-space in the project path within Unity's console window. However, I didn't find any spaces in the path. How can I resolve this issue?
  7. Hi @chengnay, thank you for your reply. It turns out that WaveXRSettings should be switched to the Android platform. I feel a bit silly haha. By the way, I'm still stuck at “Install Direct Preview device APK failed”. I have another question that when I connect the HMD to the PC using USB and run "Install Device APK", should I close Vive Streaming or SteamVR?
  8. Hi @chengnay, thank you for your reply. My goal is to achieve the "Interaction mode: Hand" shown in the video at the 24-second mark of this post, so that I can recognize the gestures of the left or right hand. In the past few days, I have been checking the VIVE Developer Forums posts related to the Vive Wave SDK and switched the platform to Android. I primarily refer to the settings mentioned in this article. The current settings in Unity are as shown in the screenshot below: build settings👇 package manager 👇 project settings👇 Right now, I still cannot find any options available for configuration in WaveXRSettings. However, I am currently aiming to operate the Interaction demo provided by Wave Essence. This way, I can achieve my goal. Due to the current empty state of WaveXRSettings, executing "Install Device APK" in DirectPreview results in the error message "Install Direct Preview device APK failed." The above is the situation I am currently facing. I have a few additional questions I would like to ask: 1. Will there be any conflict between the OpenXR plugin and the Wave XR plugin? 2. When I connect the HMD to the PC using USB and run "Install Device APK", should I close Vive Streaming or SteamVR?
  9. Hello, may I ask if there is a downloadable example for the "Interaction Mode: Hand" shown at 24 seconds in the video? Thanks.
  10. Hello, I'm using XR Elite development with WaveXR on Unity, and I've encountered some issues right from the start. First, I registered VIVE in the package manager. Then I downloaded VIU, OpenXR plugin, and Wave XR plugin as shown in the image below: Second, under "XR Plugin Management," I selected WaveXR for the "Window platform." However, the "Window platform" in WaveXRSettings is empty. I'm certain that I have selected the Windows platform currently. Will this affect my development using HMD on Windows? How can I ensure that the "Window platform" in WaveXRSetting is not empty? Thank you.
  11. Hi guys, I used XR Elite to implement my master's thesis. However, I encountered some issues during the hand tracking phase. The version i used are as follows. Unity version: 2021.3.22f1 Vive Hand Tracking SDK: 1.0.0 VIVE OpenXR Plugin - Windows: 1.0.9 64bit Unity Editor Visual C++ 2015 redistribute Update 3 (64-bit) When I used the hand tracking example provided by the VIVE OpenXR Plugin, it runs successfully. However, when I try to use the sample scenes (Sample or UISample) from the Vive Hand Tracking SDK located in the Assets/ViveHandTracking/Sample folder, I encounter the error "DllNotFoundException: aristo_interface assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null) ViveHandTracking.ViveHandTrackingEngine+<Setup>d__3.MoveNext () (at Assets/ViveHandTracking/Scripts/Engine/ViveHandTrackingEngine.cs:93) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <ba783288ca164d3099898a8819fcec1c>:0)" So I tried the step mentioned in the VIVE Forum below. Installed the OpenVR package and check OpenVR loader. https://forum.htc.com/topic/9816-ver-0100-dllnotfoundexception-aristo_interface/ However, the DllNotFoundException issue still persists. And when I reopen the Unity project, two new errors appear, but they don't affect the functionality of Unity. The errors: Asset Packages/com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr/package.json has no meta file, but it's in an immutable folder. The asset will be ignored. Asset Packages/com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr/README.md has no meta file, but it's in an immutable folder. The asset will be ignored. Can someone please tell me how to solve this issue? I would greatly appreciate your help. @zzy
  12. Hi, I'm developing with Unity for XR Elite and I'm wondering which SDK can be used for hand gesture recognition. I've already tried the ViveHandTracking SDK 1.0.0 provided by Vive Sense, but without success. I'm not sure if it's a compatibility issue with the version. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help answer my question.
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