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Posts posted by RMFoley92

  1. Hi,

    I am currently working on a MR project utilising passthrough underlay - I'm using unity to build the project

    I want to create an occlusion effect for the player, at the moment I'm experimenting with using a player model (using IK with the controllers) but I haven't been able to get an occlusion effect working.

    Is there a method for me to achieve this using the WAVE SDK? I have looked over the documentation for Project Passthrough but not sure how to apply this to a moving mesh as opposed to a static one as shown in the code example

    • Like 1
  2. Hi,

    I've been migrating a Unity MR project from Open XR to WAVE SDK to make use of VUT's

    So far so good, however I cannot get Passthrough Underlay working at all, Passthrough Overlay works fine though?

    My code is below:

    using UnityEngine;
    using Wave.Native;
        public class PassthroughUnderlay : MonoBehaviour

        private void Start()
        void ShowPassthroughUnderlay()
                Interop.WVR_ShowPassthroughUnderlay(true); //Show Passthrough Underlay

    Switching Underlay with Overlay makes the code work and activates the Overlay - but I need Underlay. I have my Camera Background set to Transparent Black as per the documentation: https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRPassthrough.html

    I have the VIVE WAVE, Native and Essence packages enabled, the passthrough doesn't even work on the included passthrough demo, again only the overlay works

    Many Thanks,


  3. On 12/21/2023 at 8:14 AM, Vivi Wu said:

    Hi @RMFoley92,
    Please help to confirm below info for us:
    1. What platform are you using? Android or Windows?
    2. What device and the device version are you using?
    3. Is there any error code or specific problem that you encounter



    1. I'm building to XR Elite using Android utilising OpenXR

    2. Headset Firmware is currently 1.0.999.508 - Trackers are currently trying to update to 1.0.999.120 however the poor internet performance of the headset means they're unable to do so. They just get to 97% and fail the Firmware update. The headset is picking up the trackers when setting up and this process works fine, however I'm unable to then apply this to a Gameobject in Unity

    3. I don't get any error codes when trying to implement the trackers, I've currently been trying to get the trackers working using the Tracked Pose Driver, the same as the traditional Trackers can be deployed as well as the HMD and controllers. I've tried to follow the deployment guide you've posted above but can't figure out how this translates into actual deployment in Unity.

  4. After a week and a half of trying I still can't get the trackers working with Unity - for the sake of testing I've made a simple project where the intention is to translate the tracker data onto a simple cube.

    The documentation for deployment of these isn't great - is it possible to deploy using a similar method to the controllers and HMD (Tracked Pose Driver?)

  5. Hi all,

    I've invested in the VUT and so far have been really impressed. Using them with the VIVE XR Elite headset.

    I'm now trying to implement these into my Unity project - however I'm not getting anywhere with it so far. I've noted that VIVE say that the trackers can be utilised using similar methods to the HMD and controllers however so far I haven't had any luck.

    I've applied a Tracker Pose Driver (Input System) to the GameObject I want to control with the tracker - and have tried a number of different bindings, but none seem to work.

    The trackers are working, as they are being picked up outside of my App currently.

    Any help or advice?

  6. Hi

    Has anyone been able to find out any further updates on the release of the Self Tracking Trackers HTC announced in March?

    I'm working on a project at the moment where the use of these trackers will solve a problem we've been trying to solve for the best part of a year. The announcement said that the units would be made available for release in Q3, yet there has been no further news on the devices since the initial March announcement and we're now near the end of the year.

    I've emailed all the contacts I have for HTC, as well as the email on the Information page HTC has for the product, however there has been no response, not even to acknowledge my inquiries.

    Incredibly disappointed as we have developed using the XR Elite based on promises (From HTC directly) that both these trackers and QR style tracking will be made available, yet neither has. We're now facing delays to the project release. 

    If anyone can provide an update it would be much appreciated.

  7. Hi Tony,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    We're currently in the process of engaging with the developer programme via our regional team in the UK to explore the use of this functionality with the headset; as well as gauge the feasibility of using the new physical trackers you've developed.

    I'll be sure to reach out if we require any more assistance, we're keen to work together with HTC to develop our vision as we feel it will be a first of it's kind application of this sort of technology


  8. Hi all,

    I'm working on a commercial project at the moment looking to put a 'digital skin' onto training manikins for use in emergency response training utilising Passthrough. The idea is that the trainee is in their own environment and when they look at the manikin it has a digital skin overlayed. Our thought is that we will track the position of a manikin and it's arms/legs using either QR Codes or AprilTags.

    We're around 6 months into the project and initially started development on the Quest Pro as it was the only affordable headset on the market that offered colour Passthrough, however we found both the hardware and Meta's support too restrictive to allow us to achieve what we want.

    On looking for a solution we spoke to HTC about the capability of the new XR Elite headset and were assured that the headset has the capability to track QR Codes/AprilTags with Passthorugh. Using Unity, we've successfully managed to produce a project with a working Passthrough underlay, however we're struggling to see a solution to allow us to track images/qr/apriltags using Passthrough.

    Is there an SDK or Plugin we can utilise to achieve this functionality? If not what options do we have to achieve the functionality we want?

  9. Hi all,

    I'm working on a commercial project at the moment looking to put a 'digital skin' onto training manikins for use in emergency response training utilising Passthrough. The idea is that the trainee is in their own environment and when they look at the manikin it has a digital skin overlayed. Our thought is that we will track the position of a manikin and it's arms/legs using either QR Codes or AprilTags.

    We're around 6 months into the project and initially started development on the Quest Pro as it was the only affordable headset on the market that offered colour Passthrough, however we found both the hardware and Meta's support too restrictive to allow us to achieve what we want.

    On looking for a solution we spoke to HTC about the capability of the new XR Elite headset and were assured that the headset has the capability to track QR Codes/AprilTags with Passthorugh. Using Unity, we've successfully managed to produce a project with a working Passthrough underlay, however we're struggling to see a solution to allow us to track images/qr/apriltags using Passthrough.

    Is there an SDK or Plugin we can utilise to achieve this functionality? If not what options do we have to achieve the functionality we want?

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