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Everything posted by Valentin

  1. Hi team, I am a PhD student facing an issue with Eye Tracking VR development. I'm using the HTC Vive Pro Eye in Unity with the Srananipal SDK. In my C# script, I am able to obtain the gaze location in world coordinates. It works fine when I don't move my head. However, when I move my head (translation + rotation), the headset movement is not compensated. I've attempted to compensate for it using the main camera movement, but I haven't been successful. Here's a snippet of my C# script: var tL = (1 / leftGlobalDirection.z) * (distance - leftGlobalOrigin.z); leftGazeWorld = leftGlobalOrigin + tL * leftGlobalDirection; In the above code, tL represents the distance between the main camera and the object (named Object1). I have tried modifying this line, but the results are not correct. My goal is to compensate for the main camera movement to ensure accurate data. I've tried compensating using the main camera direction from Object1 and the main camera direction. I appreciate any help or suggestions you can provide. Best regards,
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