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  1. Is there any known compatibility with any brand of haptic gloves? We have tried using bHaptic tacGloves and found that the texture/color of the gloves interferes with hand tracking. This is only true for the XR-3. Our Hololens and Leap Motion seem unhibited by any type of glove when using hand tracking
  2. I am working with the Unity Engine. Currently my team is on 2021.3.16f1. I am referring to this Steam VR toolkit to https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/steamvr-plugin-32647. I have found wave is cumbersome and not particularly useful so far.
  3. I tried setting up a very simple project just using the interaction sample scene from the SteamVR toolkit but it seems I can't get controls to work. So far the best I've managed is bringing in the ViveRig and to be able to look around but I can't move or trigger any type of interaction. Trying to use the SteamVR rig only results in a stationary camera view but I get controller tracking. Is there any way to marry the SteamVR Rig to the wave or openxr rig so I can continue using the tools provided by the Steam toolkit?
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