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Posts posted by KasparoVv

  1. On 10/26/2020 at 10:32 PM, Tango87 said:

    I've had the same issue since I've bought the adapter. I've determined it to be a hardware issue. The USB connection will lose loose power with even the slightest jiggle. I have no idea how to stabilize it. I've tried another cord and the same thing. I've used another power bank and it will still happen. The only way I don't lose connection is if I'm not jerking my body around too much which is very hard to do when playing a boxing VR game or anything that requires you to duck. At this point I've semi given up on the wireless adapter as a whole. It's poorly engineered and I'm not even going to attempt to use HTC support after seeing the horror stories in here. $200 lesson learned. If I ever figure out a fix I'll post in on here. I just need something to really jam the USB cables in so they don't jiggle. Some day I'll figure it out. Good luck everybody. 

    You're a bloody hero @Tango87!

    I do intense VR dancing for long sessions and my wireless kit has been giving me hardcore grief since day 1. Frequent greyscreens & hangs, and full-on blackscreen cut-outs exactly as you described.
    I've tried numerous solutions which in the end did eliminate my greyscreen and hanging issues, but I just couldn't crack why the blackscreen cut-outs were happening or how to fix it.

    I eventually figured out, like you, it was the USB connection from the kit to the power supply. After VERY VERY LUCKILY finding your solution a couple nights ago, I gave it a shot - wrapping some plumber's tape 5x around each end of the cable and plugging it in.
    DIDN'T CUT OUT ONCE during a 4 hour rave session.

    Bloody amazing. I can't describe how relieved and happy I am that it's finally working just about flawlessly. I'm not gonna count on it completely solving my problems, but since the tape fix, I just haven't cut out or had any issues whatsoever.

    Thank you so so much. I've been trying to sort this crap out for like two years at least lmao.


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